- 同
- Glycophorin A
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English Journal
- The taphonomy of blood components in decomposing bone and its relevance to physical anthropology.
- Cappella A1, Bertoglio B1,2, Castoldi E1, Maderna E1, Di Giancamillo A3, Domeneghini C3, Andreola S1, Cattaneo C1.
- American journal of physical anthropology.Am J Phys Anthropol.2015 Aug 12. doi: 10.1002/ajpa.22830. [Epub ahead of print]
- OBJECTIVES: The variation and persistence of blood components, in particular red blood cells (RBCs), within bone tissue during the decomposition process, especially at the early stages and in different taphonomic conditions, has never been thoroughly investigated, regardless of the fact that knowing
- PMID 26265488
- 1α,25-dihydroxyvitaminD3 acts via TGFβ to upregulate expression of immunosuppressive CD73 on human CD4+Foxp3-negative T cells.
- Mann EH1, Chambers ES1, Chen YH1, Richards DF1, Hawrylowicz CM1.
- Immunology.Immunology.2015 Aug 6. doi: 10.1111/imm.12519. [Epub ahead of print]
- Vitamin D deficiency is associated with increased incidence and severity of various immune-mediated diseases. Active vitamin D (1α,25-dihydroxyvitaminD3; 1,25(OH)2 D3) upregulates CD4+ T cell expression of the purine ectonucleotidase CD39, a molecule that is associated with the generation of anti-i
- PMID 26251265
- Growing thrombi release increased levels of CD235a+ -microparticles and decreased levels of activated platelet-derived microparticles. Validation in STEMI patients.
- Suades R1, Padró T1, Vilahur G1, Martin-Yuste V2, Sabaté M2, Sans-Roselló J3, Sionis A2, Badimon L1,4.
- Journal of thrombosis and haemostasis : JTH.J Thromb Haemost.2015 Aug 4. doi: 10.1111/jth.13065. [Epub ahead of print]
- BACKGROUND: Local fluid dynamics and exposed atherosclerotic lesion regulate thrombus formation. Activated cells in the attached thrombi release microparticles to the circulation (cMPs); however, their phenotype is unknown.OBJECTIVES: To investigate the specific phenotype of the cMPs released by gro
- PMID 26239059
Japanese Journal
- 蛍光標識抗体の組み合わせによる測定値への影響--フローサイトメトリー測定による赤血球CD59発現の偽陰性化 (第9回筑波大学技術職員技術発表会報告集)
- 林田 雅彦,下村 大樹,津田 勝代
- Cytometry research = 日本サイトメトリー学会機関誌 15(2), 7-14, 2005-09-30
- NAID 10016787882
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- CD235a(グリコフォリン-A)は、ヒト赤血球及び赤芽球系前駆細胞に発現する主要なシアロ糖タンパクです。 アプリ ケーション クローン (アイソタイプ) 標識 容量 形状 製品タイプ 用途 製品番号 価格 体診 データ シート C,F HLDA7
- PerCP/Cy5.5 anti-human CD235a (Glycophorin A) Antibody HI264 FC RUO 349109 25 tests ¥30,000 349110 ¥70,000 Purified anti HI264 FC RUO 349102 100 µg ¥17,000 TotalSeq -A0574 anti-human CD235a (Glycophorin A ...
- また、CD235aの染色後に遠心洗浄を行うと、赤血球が遠心操作により凝集を起こす。遠心洗浄を行わなくても良いように、CD235a抗体は少ない抗体で十分な蛍光強度が得られる高アフィニティーの抗体を選択する。 2-2.解析方法(赤 ...
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- 同
- Glycophorin A/B, Cross-reactive MABs
- 同
- FcεRII, 低親和性IgE受容体、Leucine-20、Blast-2
- 成熟B細胞、活性化マクロファージ、好酸球、濾胞樹状細胞、血小板
- B lymphocytes, where it appears to be associated with IgD
- follicular DCs, especially those in the light zone of the germinal centers
- transiently on some T cells in allergic individuals
- Langerhans cels
- monocytes
- platelets
- NK cells
- nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells
- EBV-transformed B cells
- IgEの受容体(低親和性)
- CD21やα-chain of the β2 integrinsにも結合する。
- 可溶性のCD23(sCD23)はIgEの産生を亢進したりIgE/Agの提示を促進したりする。またsCD23はいろいろなサイトカイン様の作用を呈する(WCH.37)
CLL and WM