アミラーゼ・クレアチニンクリアランス比 amylase creatinine clearance ratio
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English Journal
- The anatomic coracoclavicular ligament reconstruction: surgical technique and indications.
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- The anatomic coracoclavicular ligament reconstruction (ACCR) is a surgical procedure to address acriomioclavicular joint instability. The coracoclavicular ligaments are reconstructed using a semitendinosus allograft passed beneath the coracoid and through bone tunnels in the clavicle. The graft is s
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- Opine-based Agrobacterium competitiveness: dual expression control of the agrocinopine catabolism (acc) operon by agrocinopines and phosphate levels.
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- Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain C58 can transform plant cells to produce and secrete the sugar-phosphate conjugate opines agrocinopines A and B. The bacterium then moves in response to the opines and utilizes them as exclusive sources of carbon, energy, and phosphate via the functions encoded by th
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- Anionic cross-coupling reaction of alpha-metallated alkenyl sulfoximines and alkenyl sulfoximines with cuprates featuring a 1,2-metal-ate rearrangement of sulfoximine-substituted higher order alkenyl cuprates and an alpha-metallation of alkenyl sulfoximines by cuprates.
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- (E)- and (Z)-configured alpha-lithioalkenyl sulfoximines, which are available through lithiation of the corresponding alkenyl sulfoximines, undergo a anionic cross-coupling reaction (ACCR) with organocuprates with formation of the corresponding alkenyl cuprates and sulfinamide. The alkenyl cuprates
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Japanese Journal
- 4Ep19 マルチラベルQuenchbodyを用いたビメンチンセリンリン酸化の高感度検出(抗体工学/有機化学,高分子化学,一般講演)
- 血清アミラーゼ高値を膵炎と決めつけてはいけない! (特集 先生!ちょっと待って!日常臨床で陥りやすい落とし穴 各論)
- 前田 哲男,前田 光雄,戸沢 辰雄
- 生物物理化学 = Journal of Electrophoresis 43(3), 181-183, 1999-09-15
- … The ACCR was low level. …
- NAID 10013623229
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- 英
- amylase creatinine clearance ratio ACCR
- 関
- 急性膵炎、マクロアミラーゼ血症、アミラーゼ
- ACCR=尿中Amy x 血中Cre / 血中Amy x 尿中Cre x 100
- 膵炎:6-12%と高値
- 健常:2.9±0.4%
- 唾液腺型:2-3%
- マクロアミラーゼ血症≦1%