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- 1. 正常に機能する二腔ペーシングシステムによる予期せぬ心リズムunexpected rhythms with normally functioning dual chamber pacing systems [show details]
…signal is interpreted as an R wave, and inhibits the ventricular output and resets the escape interval, the phenomenon is termed crosstalk-mediated ventricular output inhibition. When AV nodal conduction …
- 2. 原発性アルドステロン症の病態生理および臨床的特徴pathophysiology and clinical features of primary aldosteronism [show details]
…occurs in humans after a weight gain of approximately 3 kg . The mechanisms responsible for the escape phenomenon are incompletely understood, but at least three factors may be important: increased secretion …
- 3. 中枢神経系病変を有するHIV感染患者に対するアプローチapproach to the patient with hiv and central nervous system lesions [show details]
…to evaluate for CSF viral escape phenomenon. A detectable HIV viral load in the CSF that is higher than the plasma HIV viral load is suggestive of CSF viral escape phenomenon, which increases the risk…
- 4. 甲状腺クリーゼthyroid storm [show details]
…five to seven days. Surgery should not be delayed for more than 8 to 10 days, because of a phenomenon called escape from the Wolff-Chaikoff effect. Large doses of exogenous iodine inhibit the organification…
- 5. 術前門脈塞栓術preoperative portal vein embolization [show details]
…arterial buffer response. However, TACE can obliterate arterioportal shunts, which may cause an escape phenomenon blunting the effect of a PVE . A number of studies have now supported the view that sequential …
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- 英
- 関
- 同
- 逃避現象
- 関
- phenomenon、phenomena、event、phenomenal
- 英
- escape、evasion、escape, withdraws
- 関
- 逸脱、回避、免れる、漏れ、逃げる、エスケープ