- 英
- suicidal ligature strangulation
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- 1. 鈍的外傷や穿通性外傷による気管損傷の特定と管理identification and management of tracheobronchial injuries due to blunt or penetrating trauma [show details]
…hyperextension injuries, or by the application of direct force. Examples include weightlifting accidents, strangulation from wires while riding snowmobiles, and seat belt injuries. These mechanisms often occur together…
- 2. 小児や青年による「窒息ゲーム」およびその他の首絞め行動the choking game and other strangulation activities in children and adolescents [show details]
…engaging in strangulation activities begins as a social activity but progresses to being performed alone . In others, engaging in strangulation activities may be "practicing" strangulation as a potential …
- 3. 配偶者などからの暴力:診断およびスクリーニングintimate partner violence diagnosis and screening [show details]
…genitals. Wounds on the head and neck, particularly neck bruising, may be caused by attempted strangulation Wounds on the forearms often occur when a person is in a defensive position. Bruises of different…
- 4. 鈍的脳血管損傷:機序、検査、および診断的評価blunt cerebrovascular injury mechanisms screening and diagnostic evaluation [show details]
… Type I carotid injuries involve the direct application of force to the neck (eg, seat belt, strangulation, near-hanging) and account for up to approximately 10 percent of blunt carotid injuries. Type …
- 5. 配偶者などからの暴力:疫学および健康に及ぼす影響intimate partner violence epidemiology and health consequences [show details]
…although some had more serious injuries, including knife wounds and broken bones. In attempted strangulation, red eyes, neck swelling, petechiae, and ecchymoses on the neck may be seen ; however, no visible…
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- 英
- death
- 同
- 死亡、脳死、心臓死
- 英
- death from strangulation, ligature strangulation
- 関
- 絞頸、絞頚