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- 1. 成人の頸椎損傷の評価および急性期マネージメントevaluation and initial management of cervical spinal column injuries in adults [show details]
…injuries are uncommon in cases of self-hanging. Morbidity is primarily due to asphyxiation with cerebral anoxia or soft tissue injury . Spinal column injury from hanging is seen in executions involving a drop…
- 2. 小児や青年による「窒息ゲーム」およびその他の首絞め行動the choking game and other strangulation activities in children and adolescents [show details]
…attributed to all types of unintentional choking/suffocation but differed from that of suicide by hanging/suffocation Among deaths for which sufficient detail was reported, 96 percent occurred while the …
- 3. 鈍的脳血管損傷:機序、検査、および診断的評価blunt cerebrovascular injury mechanisms screening and diagnostic evaluation [show details]
…injuries involve the direct application of force to the neck (eg, seat belt, strangulation, near-hanging) and account for up to approximately 10 percent of blunt carotid injuries. Type II carotid injuries …
- 4. 小児や青年の頸椎損傷の評価と急性期のマネージメントevaluation and acute management of cervical spine injuries in children and adolescents [show details]
…death, or passenger compartment intrusion >12 inches at roof and/or >18 inches at any site; Diving; Hanging; Axial load force; Clotheslining force; A multicenter, retrospective case-control study conducted …
- 5. 成人における自殺念慮および自殺行動suicidal ideation and behavior in adults [show details]
…14th leading cause of global mortality. The most common methods used include pesticide ingestion, hanging, and firearms . China and India accounted for approximately 50 percent of all suicides . In addition …
Japanese Journal
- 西野 智哉,渡辺 泰江,櫻井 馨士,守田 誠司
- 日本外傷学会雑誌 30(1), 9-12, 2016
- … 性の報告例が多い.また,症状は斜視や眼球突出,眼球運動障害やそれに伴う複視を認めることがある.今回我々は,絞頸で眼窩内骨膜下血腫をきたしたが,眼球位置異常や運動障害を伴わず保存的加療した症例を経験した.79歳の女性がベルトで頸部を絞められ受傷した.絞頸により意識障害をきたしたが,翌日には意識清明となった.頭部単純CTで左眼窩内骨膜下血腫を認めたが特に障害を認め …
- NAID 130005121214
- 絞頸死の変死体症例1例における検視官の故人の心理情報の評価-法医学者による司法解剖および司法警察員による見分との比較
- 絞頸による死亡症例の司法検視における故人の心理情報の収集-心理学的検死に関する基礎研究-
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- 英
- death from strangulation, ligature strangulation
- 関
- 絞頸、絞頚
- 英
- cervix、cervical
- 関
- 頚、頸髄、頚髄、頸椎、頚椎、頸部、頚部、子宮頸部、子宮頚部
- 各学会、教科書によって「頚」「頸」の統一がなされていない。腹正しいので「頚」に統一。