- 英
- no observed respiratory effort?, absence of spontaneous respiration?
- 関
- 自発呼吸
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- 1. 小児の急性呼吸窮迫症:緊急評価と初期対応acute respiratory distress in children emergency evaluation and initial stabilization [show details]
… Spontaneous pneumothorax – Risk factors for spontaneous pneumothorax include tall,… respiratory distress and may be a sign of impending respiratory arrest An abnormal pattern of respiration is a sign…
- 2. 麻酔回復室(PACU)における呼吸器機能障害respiratory problems in the post anesthesia care unit pacu [show details]
… Respiratory arrest may occur when the patient is unable to maintain the increased respiratory effort.… an endotracheal tube cuff leak test can be performed during spontaneous ventilation .…
- 3. 小児への人工呼吸の使用開始initiating mechanical ventilation in children [show details]
… little or no spontaneous respiratory effort either due to pharmacologic sedation with or without neuromuscular blockade, or secondary to underlying illness or injury. Spontaneous (supported)… work of breathing with concern for tiring, an inability to protect the upper airway, and/or respiratory arrest. The key principles with mechanical ventilation in obstructive airway disease are to: Provide …
- 4. 12歳未満の小児に生じる重症喘息の急性増悪:気管内挿管および人工呼吸器の使用acute severe asthma exacerbations in children younger than 12 years endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation [show details]
… and potentially also muscle relaxation if a spontaneous breathing mode is not used .… Care must be taken to control the airway before the patient suffers a respiratory arrest or a hypoxic insult.…
- 5. 神経筋接合部に作用する毒素の概要overview of neuromuscular junction toxins [show details]
…range from minor cranial nerve palsies associated with symmetric descending weakness to rapid respiratory arrest. Key features of the botulism syndrome include: Absence of fever; Symmetric neurologic deficits; … Envenomation by the timber rattlesnake causes myokymia Spontaneous bursts of motor unit potentials manifest as doublets and multiplets on electromyography .…
Japanese Journal
- 臨床的脳死判定後にCushing現象を認めた幼児例
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- 自発呼吸回復の可能性。 一度人工呼吸器を付けてしまった場合、自発呼吸に戻る可... 小4の子供。交通事故に遭い自発呼吸無し、心肺停止、意識不明、脳が腫れて処置で... 現在、時発呼吸なしで、人工呼吸器使用。意識も ...
- 山口赤十字病院内科にて1980年1月より1985年12月までに自発呼吸停止、死亡した脳血管障害数は111例。自発呼吸停止に際し人工呼吸器を装着するか否かは、生命徴候、神経症状、CT所見、年齢、家族の希望など種々 ...
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- 英
- respiration, breathing
- 関
- 呼吸数、呼吸中枢、呼吸パターン
- 英
- spontaneous breathing
- 関
- 脳死判定基準
- 英
- insertion (M)
- 同
- 筋停止
- 関
- 起始
- 英
- respiratory arrest
- 関
- 無呼吸