- 日
- さいじょうき
- 関
- 気逆、水滞
- (和漢診療学 第2版)
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- 1. 美容適応としてのボツリヌス毒素:特定部位治療botulinum toxin for cosmetic indications treatment of specific sites [show details]
…onabotulinumtoxinA) into each lip elevator complex above the nasofacial groove can collapse the upper nasolabial fold. However, this procedure may also vertically lengthen the upper lip, a feature associated with …
- 2. I~II期の(早期)頭頚部癌の治療:口腔癌treatment of stage i and ii early head and neck cancer the oral cavity [show details]
… to both sides of the neck. For patients with T2 or larger lower lip cancers, upper lip, lower alveolar ridge/retromolar trigone, upper alveolar ridge/hard palate, or buccal mucosa tumors, we suggest elective …
- 3. 乳児や小児の舌小帯短縮(舌たらず)ankyloglossia tongue tie in infants and children [show details]
…due to inadequate eversion of the upper lip. Division of the upper labial frenulum has been advocated in such cases. The efficacy and appropriate indications for upper labial frenotomy are unknown . …
- 4. 局所進行性(ステージIIIおよびIV)の頭頸部癌の治療:口腔treatment of locoregionally advanced stage iii and iv head and neck cancer the oral cavity [show details]
…Specific sites of oral cavity cancer include the lip, floor of the mouth, oral tongue (anterior two-thirds of the tongue), lower alveolar ridge, upper alveolar ridge, retromolar trigone (retromolar gingiva) …
- 5. 口唇裂傷の評価およびマネージメントassessment and management of lip lacerations [show details]
…instability, ecchymosis over the cheek, anesthesia of the region supplied by the infraorbital nerve (upper lip, alveolar ridge, lateral nose, lower eyelid) or enophthalmos Jaw fracture suggested by malocclusion …
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