- 英
- pulse-pressure wave
- 関
- 動脈圧脈波
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- 1. 脈圧の上昇increased pulse pressure [show details]
… of pulse wave velocity to calculate pulse pressure and central blood pressures . The results suggested that atenolol had less central blood pressure reduction and improvement in pulse pressure, despite …
- 2. ショック状態の重症患者への新型血行動態モニタリングツールnovel tools for hemodynamic monitoring in critically ill patients with shock [show details]
… of the maximum pulse pressure (systolic blood pressure minus diastolic blood pressure; PPmax) minus the minimum pulse pressure (PPmin) to the mean pulse pressure (PPmean),… equipped with pulsed wave Doppler may be used. First, the cross sectional area (CSA) of the LVOT is measured, typically in the parasternal short-axis view. Next, a pulsed wave Doppler signal…
- 3. Echocardiographic evaluation of the mitral valveechocardiographic evaluation of the mitral valve [show details]
… than 1.4 m/s . In addition to increased peak transmitral inflow E wave velocity, the pattern is strongly E-wave dominant with a small A-wave (E/A ratio greater than 2.0). This pattern is identical to the …
- 4. 動脈拍動の検討examination of the arterial pulse [show details]
… percussion wave, which results from rapid left ventricular ejection, and a second smaller peak, the tidal wave, presumed to represent a reflected wave from the periphery. The tidal wave may increase… A bounding arterial pulse with widened pulse pressure is not diagnostic of aortic regurgitation; it can occur…
- 5. 高拍出性心不全の臨床症状、診断、マネージメントclinical manifestations diagnosis and management of high output heart failure [show details]
… and the pulse pressure (systolic minus the diastolic pressure) is typically wide.… motor, mostly of the distal extremities) Minor electrocardiographic changes (eg, nonspecific ST-T wave changes) No other identifiable cause for heart disease; Response to thiamine therapy; In beriberi …
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- 血圧脈波測定. 血管の硬さや詰まり具合を測定し、動脈硬化の進行度を知ることができます。. 四肢の血圧を同時に計測し、痛みはなく、所要時間は5~10分程度です。. 動脈硬化はさまざまな病気の引き金となるため、非常に大切な検査です。.
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- 英
- arterial pressure wave
- 同
- 脈圧波 pulse-pressure wave
- 関
- 頭蓋内脈波
- 関
- 動脈
- 英
- pulse pressure, PP
- 関
- 血圧、脈圧低下 脈圧狭小
- 収縮期血圧(最高血圧)と拡張期血圧(最小血圧)の差。
- 血管壁の硬直によるウインドケッセル効果?の消失による
- 拡張期の短縮 → 心室に血液が充分充満しないうちに駆出されるため