- 英
- parchment heart
- 同
- 右室低形成 right ventricular hypoplasia
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- 1. 不整脈原性右室心筋症:解剖学、組織学、臨床症状arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy anatomy histology and clinical manifestations [show details]
… which arises from the RV outflow tract and is seen in patients with a normal heart. Uhl anomaly (also called parchment right ventricle) is a rare disorder characterized by deficiency of RV myocardium …
- 2. 成人の心肺移植heart lung transplantation in adults [show details]
… Heart-lung transplantation is the procedure of choice for selected patients with concomitant end-stage heart failure and end-stage lung disease. Combined heart and lung transplantation is limited to patients …
- 3. カルチノイド心疾患carcinoid heart disease [show details]
…19 patients with carcinoid heart disease (diagnosed by echocardiography or cardiac catheterization) with 585 carcinoid patients without heart disease . The patients with heart disease had much higher (two- …
- 4. 成人における心肺移植:予後heart transplantation in adults prognosis [show details]
… long-term survival with simultaneous heart-kidney transplantation compared with isolated heart transplantation. Additionally, patients who received combined heart-kidney transplants experienced fewer episodes …
- 5. 心不全における睡眠呼吸障害sleep disordered breathing in heart failure [show details]
…under-diagnosed in patients with heart failure across a range of ejection fractions and New York Heart Association (NYHA) classes. The most common forms of SDB in heart failure patients are obstructive …
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- 羊皮紙 用途: クラフト,バックグラウンド 商品説明: 地合にクマを残し羊皮を模倣しています。ナチュラルな色調と落ち着いた地模様が心を和ませます。パッケージやラッピング、ペーパークラフト、バックグラウンドなどに最適です。
- 羊皮紙心[こころ, しん] parchment heart ===== ・ 羊 : [ひつじ] 【名詞】 1. sheep ・ 羊皮紙 : [ようひし] (n) parchment ・ 皮 : [かわ ...
- 羊皮紙心{ようひし しん} parchment : parchment n. 羊皮紙, 羊皮紙の文書.【動詞+】 scrape a parchment 羊皮紙(の表面)を削る 《元の字を消してその上に字句を記すため》.【形容詞 名詞+】 pore over ancient parchments 古い羊皮紙の文書をじっくりと読む stiff parchment ごわごわの羊皮紙 little cases of thin parchment ...
Related Pictures

- 英
- right ventricular hypoplasia
- 関
- 羊皮紙心
- 英
- heart、mind、cardiac
- 関
- 核心、強心、心臓、心臓性
- 精神、心陰影
- 心虚
- 1. 意識水準を保つ
- 2. 覚醒・睡眠のリズムを調節する
- 3. 血を循環させる
- → 心虚
- 焦燥感、不安感、集中力の低下、不眠、嗜眠、情緒不安定、顔面紅潮、舌尖の真紅、動悸、脈の結代、胸内苦悶感、息切れ
- 日
- ようひし
- 英
- parchment, vellum
- http://www.youhishi.com/introduction_history.html