- 英
- fasciculation potential
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- 1. 脊髄損傷および疾患の慢性合併症chronic complications of spinal cord injury and disease [show details]
… both reduced spasticity and improved disability. This approach may also reduce pain associated with spasticity . Chemodenervation provides a localized treatment of spasticity within a muscle… A regular diet is an important feature of the bowel program and should include adequate fiber intake (ie,…
- 2. 高齢者における神経性歩行障害の原因と評価causes and evaluation of neurologic gait disorders in older adults [show details]
… projection fibers (thalamic radiations, corticofugal motor tracts) and adjacent association fibers (corpus callosum, superior fronto-occipital fasciculus, short association fibers) shows the… referred to as upper motor neuron (UMN) weakness, is usually accompanied by signs of increased tone (spasticity). The combination of UMN weakness and increased tone in the legs produces a recognizable gait pattern …
- 3. 成人における 多発性硬化症の症状のマネージメントsymptom management of multiple sclerosis in adults [show details]
…used to treat MS-related spasticity, pain, or bladder dysfunction. There are several interventions for constipation, including dietary changes to increase fluid and fiber intake, laxatives , and enemas …
- 4. 脊髄障害の解剖学および局在性anatomy and localization of spinal cord disorders [show details]
… that fibers destined for upper extremity motor control lie most medially, while fibers controlling the lower extremity lie more laterally The anterior CST contains undecussated fibers,… Motor deficits are manifest by weakness and long tract signs (spasticity,…
- 5. 成人における詳細な神経学的検査the detailed neurologic examination in adults [show details]
… including spasticity, rigidity, and paratonia. Decreased tone (hypotonia) also occurs. Spasticity depends upon the limb position… Anisocoria indicates a lesion in the efferent fibers supplying the pupillary sphincter muscles.…
Related Links
- 1) 陽性鋭波(positive sharp wave) 鋭くて深い陽性から始まる鋸歯状で二相性の脱神経電位です。 振幅のレンジは200μV/div 2) 線維自発電位(fibrillation potential) 陽性から始まる二、三相性の棘波様の脱神経電位です。
- 筋萎縮性側索硬化症(ALS)の疾患と治療の情報を掲載。メーカー提供サイト。 ... 【補足説明】 線維自発電位・陽性鋭波と線維束自発電位の鑑別 線維自発電位は通常2~3相の波形で、振幅は1mV以下と小さい。
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- 英
- voltage、potential、electrical potential、electric potential
- 関
- 可能、可能性、潜在的、ボルテージ、ポテンシャル、有望、電圧
- 英
- fasciculation, fasciculations
- 同
- 線維束れん縮、線維束性攣縮
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- [[]]
- 日
- れんしゅく
- 英
- spasm
- 同
- れん縮、スパスム スパズム
- 関
- 単収縮
- 英
- bundle
- 関
- 束、束ねる