- 英
- cytoid body
- 関
- 軟性白斑
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- 1. 高血圧の眼への影響ocular effects of hypertension [show details]
…arteriovenous nicking, referred to as "nipping" . Moderate – Hemorrhages, either flame or dot-shaped, cotton-wool spots, hard exudates, and microaneurysms Severe – Some or all of the above, plus optic disc edema…
- 2. 全身性疾患および感染に関連した網膜血管炎retinal vasculitis associated with systemic disorders and infections [show details]
…erythematosus (SLE). Mild and visually nonthreatening manifestations are common, consisting of cotton-wool spots with or without hemorrhages; they are observed in 3 to 30 percent of ambulatory and hospitalized …
- 3. 糖尿病性網膜症:分類および臨床的特徴diabetic retinopathy classification and clinical features [show details]
… Nonproliferative DR (NPDR) consists of a variable display of nerve-fiber layer infarcts (cotton wool spots), intraretinal hemorrhages, and hard exudates and microvascular abnormalities (including microaneurysms…
- 4. 全身化学療法による眼の副作用ocular side effects of systemically administered chemotherapy [show details]
…treatment. Retinal pigmentary changes, cotton wool spots, and mild intraretinal hemorrhages are signs of damage to various layers of the retina. Usually, the cotton wool spots and intraretinal hemorrhages are …
- 5. 急性持続性視力喪失が認められた成人に対するアプローチapproach to the adult with acute persistent visual loss [show details]
…venous stasis, leading to disc swelling, diffuse nerve fiber layer/preretinal hemorrhages, and cotton wool spots that create a dramatic appearance on funduscopic examination, often called "the blood and thunder"…
Japanese Journal
- 綿花様白斑の病態-1-Cytoid Bodies(細胞様小体)の微細構造
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