- 英
- neurohumoral transmission
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- 1. 心不全の病態生理:神経体液性の適応pathophysiology of heart failure neurohumoral adaptations [show details]
…adjust for a primary deficit in cardiac output. In HF, neurohumoral adaptations have beneficial as well as maladaptive effects. The major neurohumoral adaptations that occur in HF, including activation of …
- 2. C型肝炎ウイルスの垂直伝播vertical transmission of hepatitis c virus [show details]
…chronic viral hepatitis in children , with vertical transmission becoming the leading source of infection . Vertical transmission refers to viral transmission from the mother to the infant during pregnancy …
- 3. 資源の限られた地域における授乳によるHIV感染の予防prevention of hiv transmission during breastfeeding in resource limited settings [show details]
…International Transmission Study) suggested that the risk of late breast milk transmission (postnatal transmission occurring after one month of age) appeared relatively constant at 8.9 transmissions per 100 …
- 4. 嚢虫症:疫学、感染、予防cysticercosis epidemiology transmission and prevention [show details]
…the poorest areas . Mechanisms for interrupting the transmission of eggs between humans include: Community education regarding routes of transmission; Good personal hygiene and hand washing prior to food …
- 5. B型肝炎ウイルス感染の疫学、伝染、および予防epidemiology transmission and prevention of hepatitis b virus infection [show details]
… reduce the risk of transmission. Detailed discussions on preventing mother-to-child transmission are found elsewhere. Breastfeeding does not appear to increase the risk of transmission. A discussion of …
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- 英
- endocrine
- 同
- 内分泌
- 関
- オートクリン、パラクリン、神経液性伝達
- 英
- nerve
- ラ
- nervus
- 関
- ニューロン
- 中枢神経 central nervous systen CNS
- 末梢神経 peripheral nervous system PNS
- 感覚神経 sensory nerve = 求心性線維 afferent nerve
- 運動神経 motor nerve = 遠心性線維 efferent nerve
- 体性神経 somatic nervous system SNS
- 自律神経 autonomic nervous system ANS
- 英
- transmission, transfer
- 関
- 伝導
- 英
- humoral transmission
- 関
- 体液性伝達
- 英
- humoral
- 関
- 体液性