- 英
- relative molecular mass
- 関
- 分子量
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- 1. 中枢神経系感染症の分子学的診断molecular diagnosis of central nervous system infections [show details]
… use of molecular tests for the detection of microorganisms from cerebrospinal fluid has redefined our approach to common CNS infections, such as meningitis, encephalitis, and brain mass lesions (particularly… reduced sensitivity relative to cryptococcal antigen detection tests and fungal culture of CSF . For certain pathogens, such as Toxoplasma gondii, molecular detection methods…
- 2. 付属器腫瘤の鑑別診断differential diagnosis of the adnexal mass [show details]
…The different types of adnexal masses are reviewed here. Diagnosis and management of an adnexal mass and other related topics are discussed separately: A mass in the adnexa may be symptomatic …
- 3. 小児や青年の横紋筋肉腫:疫学、病理、および分子学的病因rhabdomyosarcoma in childhood and adolescence epidemiology pathology and molecular pathogenesis [show details]
… molecular, genetic, or ultrastructural techniques may be needed to definitively establish the diagnosis. Adequate tissue for routine light microscopic, IHC, cytogenetic, and molecular genetic… of embryonal RMS in children who had a first-degree relative with cancer; this same association was not seen in children with alveolar RMS.… (sarcoma botryoides) takes its name from the "grape-like" gross appearance of the tumor. The polypoid mass grows beneath an epithelial surface, and dense subepithelial aggregates of rhabdomyoblasts (the so-called …
- 4. 先天性赤血球増多症および真性多血症の分子学的病因molecular pathogenesis of congenital polycythemic disorders and polycythemia vera [show details]
…established molecular lesions due to germline mutations that either modify hemoglobin oxygen affinity or modify the normal response to hypoxia will be discussed here. Current understanding of the molecular pathogenesis… Absolute polycythemia refers to settings in which there is an increase in red cell mass. This condition has also been called erythrocytosis, with three forms being recognized : Primary polycythemia – … with elevated or inappropriately normal EPO levels considering their elevated hematocrit. While the relative contributions of HIF1-alpha and HIF2-alpha to hypoxia-driven gene expression of EPO is still an …
- 5. デスモイド腫瘍:疫学、危険因子、分子学的病因、臨床症状、診断、および局所療法desmoid tumors epidemiology risk factors molecular pathogenesis clinical presentation diagnosis and local therapy [show details]
… Identifying the molecular aberrations that predict the clinical course can be very useful from a therapeutic standpoint and is a subject of active investigation. The molecular events that lead… symptomatic [sensation of mass or pain but no restriction], <10 cm in maximum diameter and not growing) – 100 percent; Stage III (moderately symptomatic [sensation of mass,… mutations between codons 1310 and 2011 were associated with a sixfold risk of desmoid tumors relative to the low-risk reference region (159 to 495) .…
Japanese Journal
- セルロースカラムを効果的に用いた海洋性軟体動物 Patinopecten yessoensis 1,4-β-エンドグルカナーゼ(EG66)の精製
- 酒井 健,大瀧 恭平,小泉 英誉 [他],佐藤 将太,鈴木 久興,橘 信孝,大町 鉄雄,吉田 孝
- Journal of applied glycoscience 56(1), 13-16, 2009-01-20
- … ースを用いたカラムクロマトグラフィーにより,海洋性軟体動物<i>Patiopecten yessoensis</i>(ホタテ貝)の中腸腺から1,4-β-エンドグルカナーゼが均一に精製された.本酵素(EG66)はSDSゲル電気泳動的に相対分子質量66Kと求められ,pH6.0にて最大活性を示した.EG66はCMC,ヒドロキシエチルセルロースの他にグルコマンナン,β-1,3-1,4-グルカンに高い加水分解活性を示したが,結晶セルロース,キシラン,キシログルカ …
- NAID 10024980792
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- この項目では「化学基礎」における「物質の変化」の中の相対質量、原子量、分子量、式量に焦点を当てる。原子量、分子量、式量を理解するには、まず相対質量の概念を理解しなければならない。例と計算問題を使用して説明して ...
- 相対質量と原子量、分子量、式量の定義から求め方、例題を使った計算問題の解き方まで徹底解説!それぞれの計算問題についても途中式を省略せずに丁寧に説明!演習問題付き!!
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- 英
- molecular weight、molecular mass、Mw、Mr, MW
- 同
- 相対分子質量 relative molecular mass
- 関
- 分子質量
- 英
- amount、volume、content、quantity
- 関
- 巻、含有量、含量、体積、達する、容積、内容物、内容、ボリューム
- 英
- relative
- 関
- 関する、関連、関連性、親戚、親類、相対性、相対的、類縁体
- 関
- 分子的、モル
- 英
- molecular mass
- 関
- 分子量
- 英
- mass
- 関
- 集団、腫瘤