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- 1. 正常な陣痛および分娩のマネージメントmanagement of normal labor and delivery [show details]
… of choice is penicillin G. A minimum of four hours of intrapartum intravenous therapy has been recommended prior to delivery; however, bactericidal levels in cord blood are achieved within 30 minutes of …
- 2. 帝王切開に対する麻酔anesthesia for cesarean delivery [show details]
… for cesarean delivery (CD) must include the comfort and safety of the parturient, and the well-being of the fetus and neonate. This topic will discuss the management of regional… Statement on the Management of Hypotension with Vasopressors During Cesarean Section Under Spinal Anesthesia . Phenylephrine versus ephedrine – Phenylephrine, a direct,…
- 3. 手術的経膣分娩operative vaginal delivery [show details]
… direct notification, or both. In a systematic review of randomized trials, failed delivery occurred in approximately 9 percent of forceps deliveries and 14 percent of vacuum deliveries (relative… of cesarean birth or expectant management. This topic will provide an overview of issues related to operative vaginal delivery. The technique for vacuum-assisted operative delivery is reviewed…
- 4. 計画的自宅出産planned home birth [show details]
… findings were: Rates of medical intervention for home births were consistently low: episiotomy rate 1.4 percent, assisted vaginal birth 1.2 percent, and cesarean delivery rate 5.2 percent (based on the …
- 5. 妊娠や分娩に伴う便失禁と肛門失禁:カウンセリング、評価、マネージメントfecal and anal incontinence associated with pregnancy and childbirth counseling evaluation and management [show details]
… We defer initiation of treatments other than those listed below until at least three months after delivery. Initial treatment consists of behavioral changes and medical therapy. Behavioral changes – …
Japanese Journal
- 空洞切開術が有効であったと思われる多剤耐性肺結核の1例
- 塩谷 謙二,大場 泰良,山田 志郎,平田 昌義
- 医療 51(7), 314-317, 1997
- … 空洞切開術は古い手術法であるが, 直達療法であり, 侵襲も少なく, 手技も容易であり, 肺機能を損なうことも少なく, このような症例には, 適当な方法と思われた. …
- NAID 130004315562
- 1273 急性心筋梗塞における冠動脈直達療法の効果 : PTCR、PTCAの比較
- 千間 純二,村上 暎二,竹越 襄,松井 忍,金光 政右,北山 道彦,大久保 信司,松田 健志
- Japanese circulation journal 59(supplementI), 363, 1995-03-01
- NAID 110002618066
- 心筋逸脱酵素の上昇を示さなかった冠動脈完全閉塞例の検討 : 緊急冠動脈直達療法との関連から : 日本循環器学会第98回東北地方会
- 長嶋 隆一,荒木 隆夫,三浦 民夫,後藤 敏和,斉藤 博昭,白壁 昌憲,石川 和信,岡田 恒弘,斉藤 幹郎,横山 紘一,大友 尚
- Japanese circulation journal 56(SupplementII), 458, 1992-05-20
- NAID 110002652570
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- cavernostomy
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- 直達療法
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- method、law
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- 測定法、測定方法、訴訟、方法、法律学、手法、方式、法律
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- therapy、regimen、cure、remedy、therapeutic