English Journal
- Surgical management of pulmonary aspergillosis in pediatric population.
- AlShanafey S, AlMoosa N, Hussain B, AlHindi H.
- Journal of pediatric surgery. 2019 Jan;().
- Aspergillosis is an invasive infection that affects mainly immunocompromised patients, and the lung is the most common site of infection. We reviewed our experience with the surgical management of pulmonary aspergillosis (PA) in pediatric population at a tertiary care institution. A retrospective ch
- PMID 30755326
- Surgery for Pulmonary Fungal Infections Complicating Hematological Malignancies.
- Yamamichi T, Horio H, Asakawa A, Okui M, Harada M.
- The Korean journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery. 2018 Oct;51(5)350-355.
- The complication rate of fungal disease is higher among patients with hematological malignancies. We investigated the clinicobacteriological outcomes of resected pulmonary fungal infections complicating hematological malignancies. Between 2001 and 2017, 21 patients with pulmonary fungal infections c
- PMID 30402396
- Supercharged free omental flap plombage for empyema in a patient with an artificial pericardium.
- Matsumoto I, Iino K, Takemura H.
- Interactive cardiovascular and thoracic surgery. 2018 06;26(6)1046-1048.
- Cavernostomy and fenestration were performed in a patient who developed a lung abscess and empyema in the left lung, which was damaged after multimodality therapy for advanced thymoma. The hospitalized patient suddenly experienced cardiopulmonary arrest due to major bleeding from the left main pulmo
- PMID 29415251
Japanese Journal
- 富山 憲一
- 気管支学 38(2), 96-100, 2016
- <b>背景.</b>肺アスペルギルス症には様々な病態が存在し,なかには異なる病型が重複したものもある.今回我々は,アレルギー性気管支肺アスペルギルス症(allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis;ABPA)を疑わせる病態を呈した肺アスペルギローマに対し,ステロイド治療を行った後,外科的治療を行い,治癒することができた.<b>症 …
- NAID 130005141831
- 胸骨吊り上げバーを用いた胸骨後経路大網充填術により軽快した重症肺膿瘍の一例
- 水野 潔道,松下 晃三,伊藤 靖,大井 諭,鈴木 一也
- 日本呼吸器外科学会雑誌 29(2), 236-240, 2015
- 症例は67歳女性.右乳癌術後の化学療法中に無顆粒球症による重症肺炎,敗血症を発症した.人工呼吸管理,薬物療法で全身状態は改善したが,右上葉に約8 cmの空洞を伴う肺膿瘍となった.抗菌薬投与と気管支鏡による膿瘍ドレナージを施行したが奏功しないため手術を行った.空洞切開術及び右前胸壁に開窓術を施行して膿瘍腔内の浄化を図り,二期的に胸骨吊り上げバーを使用して胸骨後経路で有茎大網による空洞内充填・開窓部閉 …
- NAID 130005129810
- Pulmonary Aspergilloma Treated by Limited Thoracoplasty with Simultaneous Cavernostomy and Muscle Transposition Flap
- IGAI Hitoshi,KAMIYOSHIHARA Mitsuhiro,NAGASHIMA Toshiteru,OHTAKI Yoichi
- Annals of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery 18(5), 472-474, 2012-10-01
- … We describe the successful treatment of pulmonary aspergilloma by limited thoracoplasty used simultaneously with single-stage cavernostomy and a muscle transposition flap. … As curative pulmonary resection was considered too invasive for this patient, limited thoracoplasty with simultaneous single-stage cavernostomy and myoplasty was performed as an alternative treatment. …
- NAID 10031120934
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- Table 1 Clinical findings in patients treated with cavernostomy(1) Body mass Index %VC/FEV1 (%)(l) Hemo-ptysis Size of fungus ball (cm) & (location) Underlying disease Age, Sex No. 7.0×4.0(LU) major 48.1/1 ...
- 英
- cavernostomy
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- 直達療法