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- 1. 頭頸部の扁平上皮癌化:分子学的および遺伝学的変化head and neck squamous cell carcinogenesis molecular and genetic alterations [show details]
…mutagenic progression, called multistep carcinogenesis, parallels the genetic model of colorectal carcinogenesis . Evidence for a mutational progression in tumorigenesis of head and neck squamous cell …
- 2. 大腸癌の分子遺伝学molecular genetics of colorectal cancer [show details]
…clonal nature of tumors is a critical feature of the somatic mutation/clonal evolution theory of human carcinogenesis. According to this model, the growth advantage acquired by a single mutated cell allows …
- 3. 口腔異形成および頭頸部扁平上皮癌における化学予防およびスクリーニングchemoprevention and screening in oral dysplasia and squamous cell head and neck cancer [show details]
…mucosa of subjects at different stages of carcinogenesis, unlike in the normal mucosa . COX-2 is also expressed in early and intermediate stages of carcinogenesis with progressively increased expression …
- 4. 急性骨髄性白血病の分子遺伝学molecular genetics of acute myeloid leukemia [show details]
… These animal models have also demonstrated the multistage nature of the evolution of leukemia.…component of the fusion gene and thus dissect the motifs within these genes that are critical to tumorigenesis. The fusion of nucleophosmin (NPM) to ALK is a frequent recurring abnormality in anaplastic large …
- 5. ヘリコバクターピロリ菌感染と消化管悪性腫瘍の関連性association between helicobacter pylori infection and gastrointestinal malignancy [show details]
…feature of H. pylori-induced duodenal ulcer is unclear. One theory is that atrophic gastritis, which is an early step in gastric carcinogenesis , occurs with H. pylori-related gastric ulcers but not duodenal …
Japanese Journal
- 子宮頸部病変の革命 -特に頸部異形成に対する再考察-
- 子宮頚部病変の革命 特に頚部異形成に対する再考察:特に頸部異形成に対する再考察
- 杉下 匡
- 日本臨床細胞学会雑誌 34(3), 522-530, 1995
- … またHPV自身の性格をよく理解し頸癌の発癌多段階説を理解することによって, 核異常細胞の発生理論が確立された. …
- NAID 130003758548
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- 英
- malignant transformation、malignant conversion
- 同
- 悪性転化
- 関
- がん化、癌化、悪性化、悪性形質転換、悪性形質発現、発癌多段階説
- 英
- step、stage、grade、phase
- 関
- 位相、局面、グレード、時期、ステージ、ステップ、相、程度、類別、段階的に実行する、フェーズ
- 英
- carcinogenesis, oncogenesis
- 関
- 発癌物質
- 英
- multistep、multistage
- 関
- 多段階
- 英
- multistep、multistage
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- 多段