- 英
- hemorrhoidalattack
- 同
- 痔核嵌頓 hemorrhoidal herniation
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- 1. 産褥期の概要:疾患および合併症overview of the postpartum period disorders and complications [show details]
… Hypertension and/or seizures related to preeclampsia/eclampsia can first manifest clinically in the postpartum period.… women had normalization of the postvoid residual volume within two to five days . Symptomatic hemorrhoids are common postpartum, occurring in approximately one-third of women . The treatment approach depends …
- 2. 全身性エリテマトーデスの神経精神症状:原因および診断的アプローチlower gastrointestinal bleeding in children causes and diagnostic approach [show details]
…perforation, toxic megacolon, dehydration, sepsis, hyponatremia and hypoglycemia, pneumonia, HUS, and seizures or encephalopathy . The impact of antibiotic therapy on reducing the occurrence and severity of … diverticulum Infectious colitis Juvenile polyps Hemorrhoids (primarily in older adolescents) IBD Solitary rectal…
- 3. 災害時:妊娠患者へのケアdisaster settings care of pregnant patients [show details]
… given either intravenously (IV) or by intramuscular (IM) injection, to reduce the risk of eclampsia (seizures). For IM injection, a 5 g ampoule should be given into each buttock for a total dose of 10 g. … of infection, fever. Other causes of perineal pain include hematoma, uterovaginal prolapse, and hemorrhoids. Physical examination is performed to elucidate the source of the symptoms. Breast engorgement …
- 4. 局所麻酔剤に対するアレルギー反応allergic reactions to local anesthetics [show details]
… reactions to LAs used in medical procedures and in over-the-counter products (preparations for hemorrhoids, vaginal irritation, sunburn, and other uses) . The differential diagnosis of localized swelling…individuals may experience circumoral numbness/tingling, anxiety, tremulousness, excitement, or even convulsions. At toxic doses, vasomotor collapse with hypotension, apnea, stupor, and myocardial dysfunction …
- 5. 脊髄損傷および疾患の慢性合併症chronic complications of spinal cord injury and disease [show details]
…hypertensive crisis complicated by profound bradycardia and cardiac arrest or intracranial hemorrhage and seizures. The severity of the SCI influences both the frequency and severity of attacks. Management of acute … Details regarding the treatment of constipation and fecal incontinence are discussed separately. Hemorrhoids can be increased by the interventions (suppositories, enemas, digital stimulation) commonly used …
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- これを痔核発作ともよび、この状態のものを血栓性外痔核という。血栓形成の原因は、静脈壁の破綻 (はたん) によるといわれる。放置しても1週間程度で血腫 (けっしゅ) 自体は吸収されるが、あとに肛門 皮垂(肛門皮膚がまくれてしわ ...
- 1.痔核 肛門の出口付近で肛門をピタリと締めるクッションの役割を果たしている痔静脈瘤が、息む動作をくり返すことで次第に緩んで大きくなったもの。 歯状線より奥のものを内痔核、外側のものを外痔核と分けます。
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- 英
- hemorrhoidal herniation
- 関
- 痔核発作
- 英
- hemorrhoid, pile, piles
- 同
- いぼ痔、イボジ
- 関
- 内痔核、外痔核
- 英
- attack, paroxysm, ictus, insult, fit, stroke