- 同
- 歯の嵌入 impaction of the tooth
- 関
- 歯牙陥入
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- 1. 治療適応成人における急性骨髄性白血病に対する導入療法induction therapy for acute myeloid leukemia in medically fit adults [show details]
…considering intensive chemotherapy for patients who are ≥70 to 75 years old. Induction therapy for medically-fit adults with de novo AML will be reviewed here. Other topics related to initial management of AML are …
- 2. 大腸がん検診で行われる検査tests for screening for colorectal cancer [show details]
… 49 versus 32 percent) . FIT is more sensitive than gFOBT for colon lesions . In addition, a positive FIT has high specificity for lower gastrointestinal bleeding. However, FIT can be positive due to an …
- 3. 骨髄異形成症候群の治療の概要overview of the treatment of myelodysplastic syndromes [show details]
…complications of the leukemia itself (eg, infection, heart failure exacerbated by anemia). Medically-fit – Medically-fit patients are those who are considered able to tolerate intensive treatment for acute myeloid …
- 4. 高齢者における膀胱癌のマネージメントの概要overview of the management of bladder cancer in older adults [show details]
…treatment-related complications, survival outcomes for medically fit older patients appear to be similar to results in younger patients . For medically fit older patients with non-muscle invasive bladder cancer …
- 5. 高齢女性の初期乳癌へのアプローチの概要overview of the approach to early breast cancer in older women [show details]
…combinations have only been studied in younger or selected fit, older patients . Classical anthracycline-taxane regimens can be used for medically fit older patients, but the benefit of treatment must be balanced …
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- タイトル 歯牙の嵌入せる慢性増殖性虫垂炎の1例 著者 越前 繁治 他 出版年 1955-09 対象利用者 一般 資料の種別 記事・論文 掲載誌情報(ISSN形式) 00213284 掲載誌情報(ISSNL形式) 00213284 掲載誌情報(URI形式) http://iss ...
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- 英
- invagination、impaction、intrusion、impact、invaginate
- 関
- 影響、陥入、衝撃、侵入、腸重積症、腸重積、陥入部、インパクト
- 英
- tooth、teeth
- 関
- 歯