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- 1. 南部ダニ紅斑病(STARI)southern tick associated rash illness stari [show details]
…erythema migrans (EM) and mild flu-like symptoms that was temporally associated with a bite by the Lone Star tick (Amblyomma americanum) EM-like skin lesions appeared at the site of these tick bites, but serologic …
- 2. 副腎ステロイド生合成adrenal steroid biosynthesis [show details]
…protein designated StAR (steroidogenic acute regulatory protein) ; in the absence of this protein, steroidogenesis is severely impaired . Basal and cyclic AMP (cAMP)-stimulated StAR activities are increased …
- 3. 成人における単極性うつ病:疫学、危険因子、評価、および予後unipolar treatment resistant depression in adults epidemiology risk factors assessment and prognosis [show details]
…treatment failures includes results from the Sequenced Treatment Alternatives to Relieve Depression (STAR*D) study, which prospectively administered up to four sequential trials of pharmacotherapy to 3671 …
- 4. まれな先天性副腎過形成uncommon congenital adrenal hyperplasias [show details]
…in LCAH . The role of StAR has been studied by sequencing the gene in patients with LCAH . More than 100 patients and 40 different mutations have been described ; the mutated StAR proteins were inactive …
- 5. サルコイドミオパチーsarcoid myopathy [show details]
…stages. Nodular myopathy produces a characteristic pattern on MRI: a star-shaped area of low signal intensity centered (a central "dark star") within the nodule, which is surrounded by areas of high intensity …
Japanese Journal
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- 星眼 (せいがん/Seigan) →2006年10月19日のバージョンアップ で追加された 侍 の ジョブアビリティ 。. 両手武器 使用時に 心眼 にボーナスを得る代わりに 詠唱時間 、 再詠唱時間 が延びる。. さらに、 残心 に応じて カウンター する確率がアップ。. Lv 35で習得する。. 効果時間 5分。. 再使用時間 1分。. 星眼の効果詳細. 「 心眼 」の 使用間隔 を50%短縮.
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