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- 1. HER2陰性乳癌に対する術前補助化学療法の選択choice of neoadjuvant chemotherapy for her2 negative breast cancer [show details]
…added hematologic and neurologic toxicity. As an example of available data, in the double-blind BrighTNess trial, 634 patients with stage II to III TNBC were randomly assigned to weekly paclitaxel followed … in which investigators were allowed to select between every-three-week (area under the curve [AUC] 5) and weekly (AUC 1.5)…
- 2. 成人の脊柱側弯症scoliosis in the adult [show details]
… spine with thoracic or lumbar asymmetry; the most common scoliosis curve is a right thoracic, left lumbar double curve, but many other curve configurations occur Head not centered over the sacrum and/or …
- 3. 胎児異数性に関連する超音波所見sonographic findings associated with fetal aneuploidy [show details]
… Fetal echogenic bowel refers to increased echogenicity (brightness) of the fetal bowel noted on second trimester sonographic… and a hypoplastic wedge-shaped middle phalanx of the fifth digit that causes it to curve toward the fourth finger (clinodactyly),…
- 4. 胸腔内圧の測定と測定値の解釈:実施の基準および手技measurement and interpretation of pleural pressure manometry indications and technique [show details]
…occasion, the pressure-volume curve of lung entrapment may be monophasic with a pleural elastance exceeding 14.5 cm H2O/L. Occasionally, a biphasic pressure-volume curve similar to that seen with lung …
- 5. 小児における肺機能検査の概要overview of pulmonary function testing in children [show details]
…volume (RV) after a full inspiration. The volume-time curve graphic presentation has been largely replaced in clinical practice by the flow-volume curve , which provides a more immediate and intuitive …
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- 明度=50%の最大彩度を100%として定義しているため、どのRGB曲線でも明度=50 %は円になります。・ 余弦波 と 直線近似 余弦波では、三角形が拡大していき、最終的には角がとれて円に収束します。 直線近似では、余弦波よりも ...
- ガンマ補正を外す処理をしてグラフの明度(R,G,Bの値)と輝度を比例の関係にする やりたい輝度計算をする。(グレイスケールだとR,G,Bを混ぜる計算) その後またガンマ補正をかけ直して元に戻す といった処理を検討するべきです。
Related Pictures

- 英
- visibility curve
- 同
- 明度曲線 luminosity curve、明るさ曲線
- 英
- relative visibility
- 関
- 明度曲線
- 英
- line、string
- 関
- 裏打ち、系統、弦、紐、ライン
- 英
- 関
- 曲げる、曲がる、カーブ