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- 1. 新生児や乳児(生後6か月未満)に生じる慢性下痢症へのアプローチapproach to chronic diarrhea in neonates and young infants less than6 months [show details]
…by fermentation of malabsorbed carbohydrates by colonic bacteria, resulting in an abundance of short-chain fatty acids. Alpha-1 antitrypsin – Elevated alpha-1 antitrypsin (AAT) in the stool reflects intestinal … in some cases and particularly when caused by immune dysregulation, diarrhea may start after the neonatal period. By contrast, acquired diarrheas due to infectious and allergic conditions generally have …
- 2. 特定の脂肪酸酸化障害specific fatty acid oxidation disorders [show details]
… and short-chain fatty acid oxidation disorders have a wide spectrum of severity and age of onset. Overall, outcomes of these disorders have improved with early diagnosis and treatment due to newborn screening …
- 3. 食物アレルゲン:臨床的特徴および交叉反応の概要food allergens overview of clinical features and cross reactivity [show details]
…galactose-alpha-1,3-galactose (alpha-gal) in meat . Another potential carbohydrate allergen is the prebiotic short-chain galactooligosaccharide (scGOS). There are several case series of acute allergic reactions to beverages …
- 4. 短腸症候群の病態生理pathophysiology of short bowel syndrome [show details]
… and short-chain fatty acids Compared with the jejunum and ileum,… concentrations of long-chain triglycerides (as in breast milk or some amino acid formulas) are associated with improved intestinal adaptation in neonates with SBS,…
- 5. 小児の短腸症候群のマネージメントmanagement of short bowel syndrome in children [show details]
… by promoting the colonic production of short-chain fatty acids such as butyrate,… among neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) admissions , and 0.7 percent among very low birthweight infants . Approximately 80 percent of pediatric SBS cases develop during the neonatal period.…
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- 英
- Okazaki fragment, Okazaki fragments
- 同
- 新生短鎖 nascent short chain、岡崎ピース Okazaki piece
- 関
- DNA複製、岡崎令治
- 英
- chain、strand
- 関
- 鎖式、鎖状、ストランド、チェーン
- 英
- short chain、short strand