- an article of merchandise that is displayed or advertised more than other articles
- a prominent attribute or aspect of something; "the map showed roads and other features"; "generosity is one of his best characteristics" (同)characteristic
- a special or prominent article in a newspaper or magazine; "they ran a feature on retirement planning" (同)feature article
- the principal (full-length) film in a program at a movie theater; "the feature tonight is `Casablanca" (同)feature film
- the characteristic parts of a persons face: eyes and nose and mouth and chin; "an expression of pleasure crossed his features"; "his lineaments were very regular" (同)lineament
- 顔の造作の一つ(目・耳・鼻・口など) / 《複数形で》『容ぼう』,目鼻だち / 『特徴』,特色 / (ラジオ・演芸などの)『呼び物』;(店の)目玉商品;(新聞・雑誌の)特別読み物;(映画の上映番組の中で呼び物の)長編映画 / …‘の'『特色をなす』 / …‘を'特種にする,呼び物にする,目玉商品にする / 〈俳優〉‘を'主演させる / 重要な役割を演ずる
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Japanese Journal
- 鹿児島大学医学部保健学科紀要=Bulletin of the School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Kagoshima University 26(1), 41-49, 2016-03-31
- NAID 120005749798
- 環境保護運動における地域特性 : マレーシアにおける反ライナス運動をめぐる問題の布置
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- 顔の造作の一つ(目・鼻・口・耳・額・あごなど)
- [pl]顔(the face)、容貌、顔立ち、目鼻立ち、眉目
- (山・川などの)布置、地勢、地形
- (著しい)特徴、特色。主要点
- (言語)素性、特徴
- 関
- attention, character, characteristic, distinction, focus, hallmark, note, notice, particular, property, salience, trait