- 英
- apicoaortic conduit bypass
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- 1. 急性心筋梗塞後の左室瘤および仮性左室瘤left ventricular aneurysm and pseudoaneurysm following acute myocardial infarction [show details]
…malignant ventricular arrhythmias is excellent when aneurysmectomy is combined with left ventricular reconstruction and endocardial resection, with or without cryoablation . A left ventricular pseudoaneurysm… with a diffuse apical impulse that is displaced to the left of the midclavicular line. An area of dyskinesis can occasionally be appreciated with palpation of the apex or left lateral chest… sternotomy incision using cardiopulmonary bypass . However, in unusual circumstances, the operation can be performed via a left thoracotomy,…
- 2. 心肺バイパス術:準備および実施cardiopulmonary bypass preparations and initiation [show details]
… are monitored for evidence of aortic regurgitation (AR) or left ventricular (LV) distention.… Key steps in preparation for cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) are systemic anticoagulation, antifibrinolytic administration, aortic cannulation,…
- 3. 肥大型心筋症:左心室流出路閉塞の形態変異と病態生理hypertrophic cardiomyopathy morphologic variants and the pathophysiology of left ventricular outflow tract obstruction [show details]
… HCM is characterized by left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy of various morphologies,… obstruction with apical aneurysm is typically made with echocardiography, left ventriculography, or CMR . In one series, echocardiography detected an apical aneurysm in only 16… complicated by aortic sclerosis or stenosis. Severe aortic stenosis may mask underlying LV obstruction. As a result, echocardiography may show calcific aortic stenosis in association…
- 4. 大動脈弁の心エコー評価echocardiographic evaluation of the aortic valve [show details]
… move parallel to the aortic root. Vibrations during diastole are highly abnormal and are characteristic of rupture or disruption of the aortic valve. Obstruction to left ventricular (LV) outflow may be …
- 5. 左室収縮機能の評価検査tests to evaluate left ventricular systolic function [show details]
… Left ventriculography is performed selectively as needed (eg, when adequate timely noninvasive imaging is not available) . Left ventricular ejection fraction… thrombus or aortic valve vegetations are also at risk of systemic embolism . Mechanical stimulation of the ventricular endocardium by the catheter or injection jet can lead to ventricular extra-systoles…
Japanese Journal
- 狭小弁輪を伴う高齢者石灰化大動脈弁狭窄症に対するapicoaortic conduit bypassの1例
- 4)左室心尖-大動脈バイパス術(apico-aorticbypass)施行後,18年経過した1症例(日本循環器学会 第181回関東甲信越地方会)
- Circulation journal : official journal of the Japanese Circulation Society 66(supplenet_II), 888, 2002-04-20
- NAID 110002692242
- 左室流出路狭窄に対する左室心尖-大動脈バイパス術の血行動態に関する研究
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- 症,左室流出路狭窄,僧帽弁逆流により複雑化した病態について文献的考察を含めて報告する.日心外会誌 43巻1号:9-14(2014) キーワード:たこつぼ型心筋症;閉塞性肥大型心筋症;冠動脈バイパス術;大動脈内バルーンポンピン
- 大動脈弁狭窄症に対する大動脈弁置換術の最近の動向 1261 し房室ブロックの原因となることもあるので,十分な 注意を要する.また,正確な弁輪への糸かけや人工 弁のシーティングは,冠状動脈の閉塞やparavalvular leakを防ぐのに重要で ...
- 心膜は上行大動脈の心膜翻転部から左室心尖部まで最初に 切開し,その後左室心尖部から下大動脈(IVC: inferior vena cava)へ向けて心膜を切開する.心膜切開を行ったのち,最 初にRITA がLAD の吻合予定部位に届くか否かを確認
Related Pictures

- 英
- apex of heart (Z)
- ラ
- apex cordis
- 同
- 心尖部
- 関
- 心臓
心音 手技見えp.99
- 左側臥位で強く聞こえる → 心尖部が胸壁に近づくため。
- 僧帽弁領域(心尖部):MS:ランブル雑音、前収縮期雑音
- 英
- aorta (Z), Ao
- 関
- 大動脈弁
- 大動脈径:胸骨左縁アプローチで左室長軸断面を得て、心エコーMモードで評価。
- 英
- artery (Z)
- ラ
- arteria
- 関
- 静脈
- 英
- bypass、bypass
- 関
- 迂回