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- 1. 自然免疫系の概要an overview of the innate immune system [show details]
…complement system and microglia, the brain macrophages, are active in brain host defense, and microglia clear debris and promote healing after traumatic brain injury . Microglia are also essential to normal …
- 2. 筋萎縮性側索硬化症の疫学および病因epidemiology and pathogenesis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis [show details]
…include activation of microglia and astrocytes as well as infiltration of natural killer cells, peripheral T cells, and monocytes into the CNS. Many of these reports have focused on microglia, which are immune-modulating …
- 3. 糖尿病性ケトアシドーシスの小児患者に生じる脳損傷(脳浮腫)cerebral injury cerebral edema in children with diabetic ketoacidosis [show details]
…response involving reactive astrogliosis in the hippocampus and activation of microglia in most brain regions . Microglia are inflammatory cells that respond to alterations in levels of cytokines becoming…
- 4. 浸透圧性脱髄症候群(ODS)および低ナトリウム血症の急速すぎる補正osmotic demyelination syndrome ods and overly rapid correction of hyponatremia [show details]
…accompanied by breakdown of the blood-brain barrier, release of inflammatory cytokines, and activation of microglia . The ODS primarily occurs with overly rapid correction of severe hyponatremia (serum sodium concentration …
- 5. HIV感染関連の認知機能障害:疫学、臨床症状および診断hiv associated neurocognitive disorders epidemiology clinical manifestations and diagnosis [show details]
…originate within the CNS or are introduced by infected monocytes is uncertain. However, macrophages and microglia are clearly critical to the switch from seemingly benign meningeal infection involving mainly T-lymphocytes …
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- 小グリア細胞とは、または小グリアとは、脳や脊髄などの中枢神経系の組織にいる細胞であるグリア細胞(=神経膠細胞)の一種。食作用 のある細胞で、異物などを 貪食 (どんしょく)する 免疫系 の細胞。
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- 英
- microglia, microglial cell, microgliocyte
- 同
- 小神経膠細胞、小グリア細胞、ミクログリア、ホルテガ細胞 Hortega cell
- 関
- 神経膠細胞
- first aid step1 2006 p.332
- 英
- cell
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