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- 1. 成人における腸管回転異常intestinal malrotation in adults [show details]
…are typically treated with an elective Ladd procedure. The Ladd procedure can be performed either open or laparoscopically, with most surgeons performing the open Ladd procedure because of its rarity in adult …
- 2. 小児の腹部鈍的外傷:初期評価および状態の安定化pediatric blunt abdominal trauma initial evaluation and stabilization [show details]
…additional studies and observation in these patients. The seat belt sign was first described as part of a trio of findings consistent with "seat belt syndrome," which included vertebral chance fracture , abdominal …
- 3. 小児における中空臓器の鈍的腹部外傷hollow viscus blunt abdominal trauma in children [show details]
…small pediatric pelvis to properly anchor the lap portion of the belt appear to be risk factors for seat belt syndrome. The belt rides up over the pelvis, into the abdomen, compressing the intraabdominal contents …
- 4. 成人における脊髄損傷:定義、機序、および放射線学的所見spinal column injuries in adults definitions mechanisms and radiographs [show details]
…are more common. A seat belt sign may be present. Chance fractures are representative of TL flexion-distraction injury . Classically the patient is wearing only a lap belt, positioned incorrectly …
- 5. 小児における腸管回転異常intestinal malrotation in children [show details]
…discussed in more detail separately. Malrotation is treated surgically with the Ladd procedure. The purpose of the Ladd procedure is not to return the bowel to a normal configuration, which is anatomically …
Japanese Journal
- 製品紹介 精密温間鍛造部品,2500tonプレス複合鍛造製品,リチウムイオン2次電池端子用Al/Niクラッド帯 (特集 塑性加工)
- 冷間圧延における銅・鋼クラッド帯板の製造に関する研究
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Related Pictures

- 英
- Ladd band, Ladd's band, Ladd ligament, Ladd's ligament
- 同
- ラッド帯、Ladd靭帯
- 関
- 腸回転異常症、総腸間膜症
- 英
- band、zone、
- ラ
- cingulum、zona、zonae
- 関
- ゾーン、帯域、帯状疱疹、バンド、バンド形成、地帯