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- 1. 食道輪および食道ウェブesophageal rings and webs [show details]
…known as the phrenic ampulla. Esophageal web – An esophageal web is a thin (<2 mm) eccentric membrane that protrudes into the esophageal lumen. Esophageal webs are covered with squamous epithelium and …
- 2. 乳児や小児の緑内障の概要overview of glaucoma in infants and children [show details]
…Individuals with Sturge-Weber syndrome can develop glaucoma even if they do not have the classic triad . Glaucoma has been reported in 40 to 60 percent of patients with Sturge-Weber syndrome . Glaucoma is most …
- 3. 成人の嚥下障害の評価法approach to the evaluation of dysphagia in adults [show details]
…esophageal rings and webs is presented separately. Esophageal webs and rings can partially or completely compromise the esophageal lumen . They can be solitary or multiple. An esophageal web is a thin mucosal …
- 4. クモによる咬刺傷が疑われる患者に対するアプローチ:概要approach to the patient with a suspected spider bite an overview [show details]
…significant bites in humans include widow and false black widow spiders, recluse spiders, Australian funnel web spiders, and Phoneutria spiders . Each of these spiders is described briefly below, and their appearance …
- 5. 手指感染の概要overview of hand infections [show details]
…procedures to cover the resulting soft tissue defect An interdigital web space infection is a subcutaneous abscess involving the web space where the infection may be present on the palmar and dorsal aspects …
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