- line or stuff with soft material; "pad a bra" (同)fill out
- add padding to; "pad the seat of the chair" (同)bolster
- a number of sheets of paper fastened together along one edge (同)pad of paper, tablet
- the large floating leaf of an aquatic plant (as the water lily)
- a block of absorbent material saturated with ink; used to transfer ink evenly to a rubber stamp (同)inkpad, inking pad, stamp pad
- a flat mass of soft material used for protection, stuffing, or comfort
- the fleshy cushion-like underside of an animals foot or of a humans finger
- strike with the heel of the club; "heel a golf ball"
- (golf) the part of the clubhead where it joins the shaft
- the bottom of a shoe or boot; the back part of a shoe or boot that touches the ground and provides elevation
- the lower end of a ships mast
- one of the crusty ends of a loaf of bread
- the back part of the human foot
- put a new heel on; "heel shoes" (同)reheel
- follow at the heels of a person
- perform with the heels; "heel that dance"
- the 5th letter of the Hebrew alphabet
- (衝撃・摩擦などを防ぐ)《当て物》,クッション,詰め物;(洋服の肩などの)パッド,(球技用の)胸当て:すね当て;(いすなどの)敷き物 / はぎ取り式の帳面,用紙つづり / (また『inkpad』)スタンプ台,インク台 / (犬・ウサギなどの)足裏の柔らかいふくらみの部分 / (スイレンナドの)大きな浮き葉 / (ロケットなどの)発射台(launching pad) / 《俗》(自分が住む)部屋,家 / 《俗》《the pad》わいろ / (…で)…‘に'『当て物をする』,詰め物をする,パッドを入れる《+『名』+『with』+『名』》 / (不必要な文句を入れて)〈文など〉‘を'引き延ばす《+『out』+『名』+『with』+『名』》 / (費用などを)〈帳薄など〉‘に'水増しして記帳する《+『名』+『with』+『名』》
- 足音を立てずに歩く / (足音などの)静かな音
- (人間の足の)『かかと』 / (人間以外の脊椎(せきつい)動物の)かかと / (手首に近い)手のひらの縁の肉の盛り上がった部分 / (靴・靴下などの)かかとを包む部分 / (靴の裏の)かかと,ヒール;《複数形で》ヒールのついた靴;ハイヒール / (形・用途・位置などの)かかと状のもの / 《おもに米俗》卑劣な男 / …‘の'すぐ後に付いて行く / 〈靴〉‘に'かかとをつける / すぐ後から付いて行く
- 〈船が〉傾く《+『over』》 / 〈船〉‘を'傾ける / (船が)傾くこと
- 彼は,彼が / 《指す人の性別が分からないか,または分かる必要のない場合に》その人,あの人,自分 / 《he who(that)の形で》《文》…するものはだれでも / (動物の)おす(雄)
- 鬼ごっこ(tag,tick,tig)
- 金持ちの,裕福な
- とうちゃん(papa)
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English Journal
- Internal strain estimation for quantification of human heel pad elastic modulus: A phantom study.
- Holst K, Liebgott H, Wilhjelm JE, Nikolov S, Torp-Pedersen ST, Delachartre P, Jensen JA.SourceBiomedical Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Ørsteds Plads, Building 349, DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark. s042192@student.dtu.dk
- Ultrasonics.Ultrasonics.2013 Feb;53(2):439-46. doi: 10.1016/j.ultras.2012.08.009. Epub 2012 Sep 26.
- Shock absorption is the most important function of the human heel pad. However, changes in heel pad elasticity, as seen in e.g. long-distance runners, diabetes patients, and victims of Falanga torture are affecting this function, often in a painful manner. Assessment of heel pad elasticity is usuall
- PMID 23079052
- Effectiveness of Device-Assisted Ultrasound-Guided Steroid Injection for Treating Plantar Fasciitis.
- Chen CM, Chen JS, Tsai WC, Hsu HC, Chen KH, Lin CH.SourceFrom the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Chiayi (C-MC, H-CH, K-HC, C-HL); College of Medicine, Chang Gung University, Taoyuan (C-MC, W-CT, K-HC); Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung (J-SC); Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Linkou, Taoyuan (W-CT); and Graduate Institute of Clinical Medical Sciences, College of Medicine, Chang Gung University, Taoyuan, Taiwan (H-CH).
- American journal of physical medicine & rehabilitation / Association of Academic Physiatrists.Am J Phys Med Rehabil.2012 Dec 6. [Epub ahead of print]
- OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of device-assisted ultrasound-guided steroid injection for treating plantar fasciitis.DESIGN: An ultrasound-guided injection device designed with space for securing a transducer and syringe was used to guide steroid injection. Pat
- PMID 23221670
- The medial plantar artery flap: a series of cases over 14 years.
- Siddiqi MA, Hafeez K, Cheema TA, Rashid HU.SourceSection of Orthopedic Surgery, Department of Surgery, Aga Khan University and Hospital, Karachi, Pakistan.
- The Journal of foot and ankle surgery : official publication of the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons.J Foot Ankle Surg.2012 Nov-Dec;51(6):790-4. doi: 10.1053/j.jfas.2012.06.003. Epub 2012 Jul 12.
- Coverage of the weightbearing heel poses a unique technical challenge to the reconstructive surgeon. In the present study, we share our clinical experience with the use of the medial plantar artery-based flap for coverage of tissue defects around the heel. Eighteen medial plantar artery flaps perfor
- PMID 22795447
Japanese Journal
- Effect of heel pressure pad attached to ankle-foot orthosis on the energy conversion efficiency in post-stroke hemiplegic gait
- Kon Keisuke,Hayakawa Yasuyuki,Shimizu Shingo,Tsuruga Takeshi,Murahara Shin,Haruna Hirokazu,Ino Takumi,Inagaki Jun,Yamamoto Sumiko
- Journal of Physical Therapy Science 27(5), 1341-1345, 2015
- … [Purpose] This study aimed to analyze the effect of heel pads in ankle-foot orthoses on dynamic motion aspects of gait in stroke patients from the viewpoint of energy conversion efficiency. … [Methods] A three-dimensional motion analysis system was used to assess the effect of heel pad intervention on dynamic motion gait parameters using a single-system A-B-A design. …
- NAID 130005072255
- 疼痛コントロールに難渋する脂肪褥部痛に対する治療の考え方と足底装具について (特集 足の障害)
- 篠田 信之,青木 隆明,松井 愛気
- 運動器リハビリテーション = The journal of musculoskeletal medicine : 日本運動器科学会誌 25(4), 338-343, 2014
- NAID 40020425230
- 足底腱膜炎・脂肪褥炎の解剖的考察と画像評価 (特集 足の障害)
- 青木 隆明,秋山 治彦
- 運動器リハビリテーション = The journal of musculoskeletal medicine : 日本運動器科学会誌 25(4), 334-337, 2014
- NAID 40020425215
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- heel pad an encapsulated body of fat beneath the plantar surface of the calcaneus, which cushions when bearing weight and walking. heel pad Orthopedics–foot Calcaneal fat pad A flat encapsulated disk of fat that lies below the ...
- The Heel Pad Our Heel Pads information Heel pads are often sought after to relieve heel pain and discomfort. Although not all heel pads are created equal, using a heel pad in many cases can reduce pain and get you walking again.
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