- =pad
English Journal
- [Application of depth-analysis of confocal Raman micro-spectroscopy to chirography identification].
- Lin HB, Xu XX, Wang B, Yang YY, Yu G, Zhang CZ, Li J.SourcePhotonics Center, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China.
- Guang pu xue yu guang pu fen xi = Guang pu.Guang Pu Xue Yu Guang Pu Fen Xi.2005 Jan;25(1):51-3.
- Depth analysis of confocal Raman micro-spectroscopy was applied to chirography identification. The result indicated that depth analysis has potential application to forensic science field, especially in longitudinal identification of ink and inkpad. No matter what the spatial distributions of the si
- PMID 15852817
- [Rapid and non-destructive identification of calligraphies by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and Fourier transform Raman spectroscopy].
- Na N, Ouyang QM, Qiao YQ, Ouyang J, Wang YH.SourceDepartment of Chemistry, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China.
- Guang pu xue yu guang pu fen xi = Guang pu.Guang Pu Xue Yu Guang Pu Fen Xi.2004 Nov;24(11):1327-30.
- A rapid and non-destructive method was used to discriminate between calligraphies by means of Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) and FT-Raman spectroscopy in this paper. In order to discriminate two real calligraphies of Ouyang Zhong-shi from two counterfeit ones, the authors investigated the inkpad
- PMID 15762467
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