- 関
- incline
- rely on for support; "We can lean on this man"
- containing little excess; "a lean budget"; "a skimpy allowance" (同)skimpy
- to incline or bend from a vertical position; "She leaned over the banister" (同)tilt, tip, slant, angle
- cause to lean or incline; "He leaned his rifle against the wall"
- lacking in mineral content or combustible material; "lean ore"; "lean fuel"
- not profitable or prosperous; "a lean year"
- relatively thin in consistency or low in density; not viscous; "air is thin at high altitudes"; "a thin soup"; "skimmed milk is much thinner than whole milk"; "thin oil"
- lacking excess flesh; "you cant be too rich or too thin"; "Yon Cassius has a lean and hungry look"-Shakespeare (同)lean
- (of sound) lacking resonance or volume; "a thin feeble cry"
- lacking spirit or sincere effort; "a thin smile"
- lose thickness; become thin or thinner
- make thin or thinner; "Thin the solution"
- of relatively small extent from one surface to the opposite or in cross section; "thin wire"; "a thin chiffon blouse"; "a thin book"; "a thin layer of paint"
- lower or bend (the head or upper body), as in a nod or bow; "She inclined her head to the student"
- bend or turn (ones ear) towards a speaker in order to listen well; "He inclined his ear to the wise old man"
- feel favorably disposed or willing; "She inclines to the view that people should be allowed to expres their religious beliefs"
- the state of being clean; without dirt or other impurities
- without moral defects
- of or relating to or characteristic of the Tyrol or its people; "Tyrolean yodeling" (同)Tyrolese
- a native or inhabitant of the Tyrol
- a system of symbolic logic devised by George Boole; used in computers (同)Boolean algebra
- the act of deviating from a vertical position
- an inclination to do something; "he felt leanings toward frivolity" (同)propensity, tendency
- a unit of length of thread or yarn
- (人・動物が)『やせた』,肉の落ちた / (肉などが)脂肪が少ない / 乏しい,貧弱な(poor, scanty);(土地などが)やせた / 脂肪のない肉,赤身(lean meat)
- 《副詞[句]を伴って》〈建物などが〉『傾く』 / 《副詞[句]を伴って》『上体を曲げる』 / (…に)『もたれる』,寄りかかる《+『on』(『upon, against』)+『名』》 / (…のことで…に)『頼る』《+『on』(『upon』)+『名』+『for』+『名』》 / (…に)〈意見・気持ちなどが〉傾く《+『to』(『toward』)+『名』》 / 《副詞[句]を伴って》〈体・頭など〉‘を'『曲げる』,傾ける / (…に)…‘を'『もたせかける』,立て掛ける《+『名』+『against』(『on, upon』)+『名』》 / 傾くこと;傾き
- 『薄い』 / 細い / 『やせた』,やつれた / (液体・気体が)『薄い』,希薄な / まばらな,密集していない / 内容のない,見え透いた / (音・声が)『か細い』 / 薄く,細く,まばらに / …‘を'薄くする,細くする,まばらにする / 薄くなる,細くなる,まばらになる
- (…に)『心が傾く』,気が向く / 〈人・物が〉『傾向がある』(rend) / (…に)傾く,傾斜する;身をかがめる《+『to』(『toward』)+『名』》 / 〈物事が〉(…に)‘の'心を向けさせる / (…に)…‘を'傾ける,傾斜させる,かがめる《+『名』+『to』(『toward』)+『名』》 / 傾斜,こう配;斜面
- 清潔 / 潔白;清浄
- (…に対する)傾向,好み,趣味《+『to』(『toward』)+『名』》
- 草原,牧草地(meadow)
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/01/07 13:33:03」(JST)
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Lean or LEAN may refer to:
In business[edit]
- Lean Startup, how to start a company in a lean way
- Lean manufacturing, process improvement discipline
- Lean construction is a translation and adaption of lean manufacturing principles and practices to the end-to-end design and construction process
- Lean Laboratory, application of lean manufacturing principles in a laboratory
- Lean services, application of lean manufacturing principles in a service operation
- Lean software development, lean manufacturing principles to software development
- Lean Integration, application of lean manufacturing principles to data and systems integration
- Lean Higher Education, application of lean manufacturing principles in Higher Education
- Lean Six Sigma, combination of lean and six sigma approaches.
- Lean accounting, move away from traditional accounting methods to a system that measures and motivates excellent business practices in the lean enterprise.
- Sir David Lean, English film director, producer and editor
- Le'an County, in Jiangxi, China
- Louisiana Environmental Action Network
- Lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush), a freshwater char living mainly in lakes in northern North America
- Lean, also called "purple drank" "sizzurp," or "syrup," a recreational drug based on cough syrup
- Lean meat
See also[edit]
- LARGe SCM, Integration of Lean with Agile, Resilience, and Green in Supply Chain Management
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English Journal
- Effect of thermal treatment and frozen storage on lipid decomposition of light and dark muscles of saithe (Pollachius virens).
- Karlsdottir MG1, Sveinsdottir K2, Kristinsson HG3, Villot D4, Craft BD5, Arason S6.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2014 Dec 1;164:476-84. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2014.05.068. Epub 2014 May 21.
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- McNeill SH.
- Meat science.Meat Sci.2014 Nov;98(3):452-60. doi: 10.1016/j.meatsci.2014.06.028. Epub 2014 Jun 28.
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- Meat science.Meat Sci.2014 Nov;98(3):544-55. doi: 10.1016/j.meatsci.2014.05.012. Epub 2014 May 24.
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Japanese Journal
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- 低温科学 0073, 125-132, 2015-03-31
- … Annual acorn crop has intensely fluctuated synchronously among individuals and sites, and there was a trend towards biennial reciprocal masts, except in the consecutive extremely lean years from 1988 to 1993. …
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- … There is a lean burn as the method to solve the problem, but it has problems such as reduction of ignitability. … In this study, focusing on the swirl flow that is considered effective as a countermeasure, experiments have been carried out to examine the influence of combination flow on flame behavior and flame propagation speed for lean premixed propane-air mixtures in combustion tube. …
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Related Links
- leanとは。意味や和訳。[動](leaned 〔liːnd〕 or((主に英))leant 〔lent〕;~・ing)(自)[I[副]]1 〈人が〉(ある方向に)体を曲げる,伸ばす,〈建物・木・文字などが〉(ある方向に)傾く,傾斜するlean forward身をかがめる,身... - goo ...
- lean(リアン)をご利用頂き、まことにありがとうございます。 お買い物の際に何かご不明な点がございましたら ... オンラインショップ営業日、電話での受付・注文商品出荷・メール対応を下記の営業日にて順次行っております。
- leanとは。意味や和訳。[形]1 〈人・動物が〉細身で健康な,余分な肉のない(⇔fat);〈顔が〉細い;〈肉が〉脂肪の少ない,赤身のstay leanぜい肉がつかないようにする.2 〈会社などが〉むだがなく活力のある.3 (中味・実質の ...
Related Pictures

- (比較級thinner-最上級thinnest
- (物が)薄い。(コート・毛皮などが)薄手の。(物が)(事で)薄くなった(from)(⇔thick)
- (針金・指などが)細い、細長い。(活字・筆跡などが)肉細の
- (ヒト・動物・顔などが)やせた、ほっそりした
- +イメージ:lean 体が締まっていて健康的, willowy すらっとしている, slender, slim
- -イメージ:skinny, bony, scrawny, gaunt, underweight
- (葉・群集などが)まばらな。(会合・劇場などが)入りの少ない、(髪などが)薄い
- (供給・手当などが)乏しい。(年などが)不作の。不景気な
- (気体が)希薄な、(液体が)薄い、水っぽい。(酒が)弱い。(土地が)地味の薄い
- (光・色などが)淡い、弱い。(声・調べなどが)か細い。(写真)コントラストの弱い。(笑いが)弱々しく作った/不気味な
- (言い訳・話の筋などが)浅薄な、実質のない
- (登山)(斜面などが)手がかりの少ない
- ~を薄く/細くする
- ~をまばらにする。(苗木など)を間引く
- (液体・気体など)を(~で)薄める(with)。~を弱める(down, out)
- 関
- dilute、narrow、rare、tenuous
- 関
- inclination、lean、oblique、skewing、tilt
- 英
- lean、incline
- 関
- 傾ける、傾斜、もたれる、痩せた
- 英
- lean
- 関
- 傾く、もたれる
- 英
- lean
- 関
- 傾く、痩せた
- 関
- cleaning、depuration、purging、scavenge
- 関
- purification、purify、refine、refinement
- 関
- clean bench