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- 1. 胃切除後の合併症postgastrectomy complications [show details]
…conversion to a Roux-en-Y anastomosis is necessary to treat this problem. Alternatively, a Braun enteroenterostomy between the afferent and efferent loops may also decompress the afferent loop . The efferent …
- 2. 肥満手術後の画像検査imaging studies after bariatric surgery [show details]
…emesis implies an obstruction at the enteroenterostomy or in the common channel, while nonbilious emesis implies an obstruction in the Roux limb or at the enteroenterostomy. A CT of the abdomen is the most …
- 3. 婦人科癌に対する摘除術exenteration for gynecologic cancer [show details]
…is divided just distal to the middle colic artery (ie, Miami pouch). An ileotransverse colon enteroenterostomy is performed to restore continuity to the gastrointestinal tract. The isolated segment of bowel…
- 4. 膵体頭部病変の外科的切除surgical resection of lesions of the head of the pancreas [show details]
…which can cause cholangitis if the limb is short or obstructed . Some surgeons add a Braun enteroenterostomy between the afferent and efferent limb to prevent or alleviate alkaline gastritis , but we doubt…
Japanese Journal
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- anastomosis
- 関
- 網目構造、吻合部
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- surgery
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- 外科、外科学、手術、外科術、外科手術
- 英
- anastomosis
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- anastomosis
- 関
- 消化管再建術
- 英
- enteroanastomosis
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- 腸腸吻合術