English Journal
- Diagnostic, therapeutic, and prognostic aspects of typhoid intestinal perforations in Dapaong, Togo.
- Kassegne I1, Sewa EV2, Kanassoua KK3, Alassani F4, Adabra K3, Amavi AK3, Tchangai B4, Azialey KG1, Attipou K4.
- Medecine et sante tropicales.Med Sante Trop.2016 Feb 1;26(1):71-74.
- This study's aim is to describe the diagnostic, therapeutic, and prognostic aspects of typhoid intestinal perforations (TIP) at the Dapaong regional hospital (Togo). This retrospective study covered all patients with such perforations seen and managed in the Dapaong regional hospital's general surge
- PMID 26948321
- Pancreas transplantation with enteroanastomosis to native duodenum poses technical challenges--but offers improved endoscopic access for scheduled biopsies and therapeutic interventions.
- Horneland R1, Paulsen V, Lindahl JP, Grzyb K, Eide TJ, Lundin K, Aabakken L, Jenssen T, Aandahl EM, Foss A, Øyen O.
- American journal of transplantation : official journal of the American Society of Transplantation and the American Society of Transplant Surgeons.Am J Transplant.2015 Jan;15(1):242-50. doi: 10.1111/ajt.12953. Epub 2014 Nov 13.
- To facilitate endoscopic access for rejection surveillance and stenting of the pancreas, we have abandoned the duodenojejunostomy (DJ) in favor of duodenoduodenostomy (DD) in pancreas transplantation (PTx). From September 2012 to September 2013 we performed 40 PTx with DD; 20 solitary-PTx (S-PTx) an
- PMID 25394773
Japanese Journal
- 合理的な腸管吻合 : anatomical side-to-side and functional end-to-end anastomosis
- 高瀬 真,炭山 嘉伸,長尾 二郎,草地 信也,柁原 宏久,斉田 芳久,崔 勝隆,奥村 千登里,中村 陽一,中村 寧
- 日本外科系連合学会誌 25(2), 157-160, 2000-04-30
- 最近, 従来の手縫い縫合に加えCEEAを用いた吻合やポリグリコール酸を主成分としたbiofragmentable anastomotic ring (以下BAR) を用いた吻合が行われるようになってきた。しかし, CEEAによる吻合では, 狭窄などの合併症の出現が危惧される。また, BARには縫合糸による吻合同様端々吻合であり腸管径の違いによる縫合不全の問題がある。そこで, われわれは自動吻合器を …
- NAID 10009916337
- 加納 隆之,北村 正次,岡本 篤武,粟根 康行,神前 五郎
- 日本臨床外科医学会雑誌 49(4), 665-672, 1988
- 小腸軸捻転症は稀な疾患であるが,症状は急激で重篤であり死亡率も高い.当院外科で過去10年間に経験した4例は2例が総腸間膜症に伴うものであった. 3例は開腹術の既往があった. 2例に壊死腸管切除,一期的腸吻合が施行され, 1例は単整腹, 1例は壊死腸管切除,腸瘻造設術後,二期的に空腸・横行結腸端々吻合が施行され,うち2例は救命された.腸切除と一期的腸吻合を行った2例は死亡し,術後もCPKは上昇し続け …
- NAID 130003596838
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- Enteroanastomosis definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. Look it up now! ... People invent new words all the time, but which ones actually make it?
- Looking for online definition of enteroanastomosis in the Medical Dictionary? enteroanastomosis explanation free. What is enteroanastomosis? Meaning of enteroanastomosis medical term. What does enteroanastomosis mean? ...
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