- physically and mentally fatigued; "`aweary is archaic" (同)weary
- have in ones aspect; wear an expression of ones attitude or personality; "He always wears a smile"
- have on ones person; "He wore a red ribbon"; "bear a scar" (同)bear
- be dressed in; "She was wearing yellow that day" (同)have on
- put clothing on ones body; "What should I wear today?"; "He put on his best suit for the wedding"; "The princess donned a long blue dress"; "The queen assumed the stately robes"; "He got into his jeans" (同)put_on, get_into, don, assume
- have or show an appearance of; "wear ones hair in a certain way"
- impairment resulting from long use; "the tires showed uneven wear"
- the act of having on your person as a covering or adornment; "she bought it for everyday wear" (同)wearing
- last and be usable; "This dress wore well for almost ten years" (同)hold_out, endure
- deteriorate through use or stress; "The constant friction wore out the cloth" (同)wear off, wear_out, wear down, wear thin
- 『疲れた』,疲れはてた / 人を疲れさせる / 『あきあきさせる』,退屈な / 〈人〉を『疲れさせる』 / (…で)〈人〉‘を'『退屈させる』,うんざりさせる《+名〈人〉+with+名(doing)》 / (…に)疲れる,うんざりする《+of+名(doing)》
- 《詩》疲れた
- 世の中に飽きた,厭世的な
- 〈服・靴・帽子・装飾品・ひげなど〉‘を'『身につけている』 / 〈ある表情・態度など〉‘を'『表している』,示している / (使用して)…‘を'『すり減らす』,使いふるす;(摩擦などで)…‘を'を損なう / 〈穴・みぞなど〉‘を'すり減らして作る(あける) / (使用・摩擦などで)『すり減る』,すり切れる / 《様態・時間を表す副詞[句]を伴って》〈品物などが〉長もちする / 『着用』,使用 / 《集合的に》《単数扱い》『衣類』,衣料品 / すり切れ,消耗,摩滅 / (衣類などの)耐久力,もち
- 疲労させる,消耗させる
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/09/09 23:22:53」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
For the state of awareness, see Weariness.
Weary is a surname, and may refer to:
- Jake Weary
- Fred Weary
- Emily Pohl-Weary
English Journal
- Invited review: Cessation of lactation: Effects on animal welfare.
- Zobel G1, Weary DM1, Leslie KE2, von Keyserlingk MA3.
- Journal of dairy science.J Dairy Sci.2015 Dec;98(12):8263-77. doi: 10.3168/jds.2015-9617. Epub 2015 Sep 26.
- The forced cessation of milk production, or dry-off, is a routine management practice in dairy cattle, sheep, and goats. This practice initiates a dry period, during which the animal is not milked. Milking begins again after parturition. Most of the literature on the dry period has focused on how va
- PMID 26409963
- Social Licking in Pregnant Dairy Heifers.
- Tresoldi G1,2, Weary DM3, Pinheiro Machado Filho LC4, von Keyserlingk MA5.
- Animals : an open access journal from MDPI.Animals (Basel).2015 Nov 24;5(4):1169-1179.
- Housing affects social behaviors, such as competition, but little work has addressed affiliative behaviors. This study compared social licking (SL) in pregnant heifers housed indoors (in a free-stall barn) versus outdoors (on pasture), and relationships with competition, feeding and physical proximi
- PMID 26610578
- Dairy heifers benefit from the presence of an experienced companion when learning how to graze.
- Costa JH1, Costa WG2, Weary DM1, Filho LC2, von Keyserlingk MA3.
- Journal of dairy science.J Dairy Sci.2015 Nov 4. pii: S0022-0302(15)00781-X. doi: 10.3168/jds.2015-9387. [Epub ahead of print]
- Pasture remains important on many dairy farms, but the age of first contact with pasture varies depending on the month of birth, weaning age, and farm management. Regardless of age, naïve dairy heifers must learn to graze when first introduced to pasture. This study investigated whether being group
- PMID 26547655
Japanese Journal
- 給食管理実習時における作業工程とエネルギー消費量に関する検討(第2報)
- 井上 典代,菅田 美穂,菅家 幸,大迫 早苗
- 相模女子大学紀要. B, 自然系 76, 29-36, 2012-00-00
- 給食管理実習を行うにあたり、効率的な安全性の高い生産システムの構築は重要なことである。第1報では、調理作業毎の歩数およびエネルギー消費量と疲労度との関連性について検討した結果、実習回数により効率的な作業が可能になることがわかった。しかし、調理技術が個人間で異なるため、作業効率に個人間変動差がみられた。本研究は同一学生による調理の種類別に活動のエネルギーやエネルギー消費量を比較することにより、給食管 …
- NAID 110009577169
- 3707 生産ラインにおける高齢者職務評価標準の再検討(S66-1 生産システムの新展開(基礎理論)(1),S66 生産システムの新展開(基礎理論))
- 堀 晴彦,川野 常夫,白瀬 敬一
- 年次大会講演論文集 : JSME annual meeting 2007(4), 315-316, 2007-09-07
- … The purpose of this study is to set up the job standard of appropriate for the middle-aged and the elderly workers in terms of "weary" and "awkward". …
- NAID 110007085170
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- expressing or characteristic of weariness <a weary sign>. 3. : having one's patience, tolerance, or pleasure exhausted —used with of <soon grew weary of waiting>. 4. : wearisome. — wea·ri·ly \ˈwir-ə-lē\ adverb. — wea·ri·ness \ˈwir-ē- nəs\ ...
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- abrasion、abrasive、fit、instrument