- place (authority, property, or rights) in the control of a person or group of persons; "She vested her vast fortune in her two sons"
- clothe formally; especially in ecclesiastical robes (同)robe
- clothe oneself in ecclesiastical garments
- a mans sleeveless garment worn underneath a coat (同)waistcoat
- become legally vested; "The property vests in the trustees"
- provide with power and authority; "They vested the council with special rights" (同)vest, enthrone
- furnish with power or authority; of kings or emperors (同)clothe, adorn
- make an investment; "Put money into bonds" (同)put, commit, place
- of or relating to Vesta; "vestal virgin"
- a chaste woman
- any of various bodily cavities leading to another cavity (as of the ear or vagina)
- fixed and absolute and without contingency; "a vested right"
- 《米》『チョッキ』(《英》waist-coat) / 《英》=undershirt / 《文》(権利・財産などを)〈人〉‘に'与える,授ける,付与する《+名〈人〉+with+名》 / (人に)〈権利・財産など〉‘を'与える,授ける《+名+in+名〈人〉》 / 《古》《詩》(法衣などを)〈人〉‘に'着せる / 〈権利・財産などが〉(人に)属する,帰属する《+in+名》 / 《古》《詩》祭服を着る
- (…に)〈金など〉‘を'『投資する』《+『名』+『in』+『名』》 / (…に)〈時間・努力など〉‘を'つぎ込む《+『名』+『in』+『名』(do『ing』)》 / 《しばしば受動態で》(権力などを)〈人〉‘に'付与する《+『名』+『with』+『名』》 / 〈人〉‘を'就任させる / (性質・特質などを)〈人・物〉‘に'帯びさせる《+『名』+『with』+『名』》;(人・物に)〈性質・特質など〉‘を'付与する《+『名』+『in』+『名』》 / 《文》〈軍隊が〉…‘を'包囲する / (…に)投資する,(…を)買う《+『in』+『名』》
- ベスタの処女(古代ローマでベスタの神殿に仕え,聖火を守った6人の処女) / 純潔な女性, / 《またV-》女神ベスタの;ベスタの処女の / 純潔の,処女の
- (健物・家の)玄関,入り口の間 / 《米》(客車の)デッキ,乗降口 / (耳の)前庭,前室
- (法律で)(権利・財産などが)既得の,所有権の定まった
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For other uses, see Vest (disambiguation).
This article relies largely or entirely upon a single source. Relevant discussion may be found on the talk page. Please help improve this article by introducing citations to additional sources. (May 2013) |
UK: Vest; US: A-shirt or tank top; Aust: Singlet
UK: Slipover or tank top; US: sweater vest
A vest is a sleeveless garment covering the upper body. The term has different meanings around the world.
- Waistcoat :(a sleeveless under-jacket). This is called a waistcoat in the UK and many Commonwealth countries, or a vest in the US and Canada. It is often worn as part of formal attire, or as the third piece of a lounge suit.
- Cut-off: The Cut-off is a type of vest typically made from a denim jacket with sleeves removed. Popular among bikers in North America and Europe, they are often decorated with patches of logos or pictures of biker related subjects.
A typical Cut-off vest worn by bikers in North America and Europe.
- A-shirt: Normally worn under a shirt or as athletic wear, this is known as an A-shirt or tank top in the US and Canada, vest in the UK and many Commonwealth countries, and singlet in Australia.
- Sweater vest (American and Canadian English): This may also be called a slipover, sleeveless sweater, or, in British English, a tank top. In Australia this may be colloquially referred to as a baldwin.
- Banyan: This Indian garment is commonly called a vest in Indian English.
- Other sleeveless jackets: Vest may refer to other outer garments, such as a padded sleeveless jacket popular for hunting, commonly known as a hunting vest. Another common variant is the fishing vest which carries a profusion of external pockets for carrying fishing tackle. The term jerkin is also used to refer to this sort of sleeveless outdoor coat.
The term vest derives from French veste "jacket, sport coat", Italian vesta, veste "robe, gown" and Latin vestis. The sleeveless garment worn by men beneath a coat may have been first popularised by King Charles II of England, since a diary entry by Pepys (October 8, 1666) records that "[t]he King hath yesterday, in Council, declared his resolution of setting a fashion for clothes.... It will be a vest, I know not well how; but it is to teach the nobility thrift."[1]
See also
- Bulletproof vest
- Suicide vest
- ^ Online Etymology Dictionary: Vest
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- 関
- rudimentary、trace、vestigial