- 関
- instrument、tool
- an implement for practical use (especially in a household)
- equip with instruments for measuring, recording, or controlling
- the means whereby some act is accomplished; "my greed was the instrument of my destruction"; "science has given us new tools to fight disease" (同)tool
- a device that requires skill for proper use
- a person used by another to gain an end (同)pawn, cat''s-paw
- write an instrumental score for (同)instrumentate
- address a legal document to
- work with a tool
- an implement used in the practice of a vocation
- drive; "The convertible tooled down the street"
- furnish with tools
- a kitchen utensil made of material that does not melt easily; used for cooking (同)cookware
- a utensil used in preparing food
- 『用具』,器具;道具
- (主として精密な)『器具』,器械,計器・(また『musical instrument』)『楽器』) / 手段,方便(means);(人の)手先 / 法律文書(証書・遺書・協定書・約束手形など)
- (金づち・スパナー・のこぎりなど大工・指物仕事をするための)『道具』,工具 / (機械の部品を切削・加工する)『動力機械』(器具) / (2の)切削(加工)部分 / 道具に使われる人,手先 / 《比喩的に》(一般に)道具,手段 / …‘を'道具で造る(形作る) / 道具で造る(形作る)
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2012/09/27 18:21:36」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Utensil may refer to:
- A kitchen utensil, one of the tools of cooking and baking — cookware and bakeware
- An eating utensil, a tool for shaping and carrying food to the mouth, List of eating utensils
- A tool serving a set purpose
- The Dragon Throne, also called the "divine utensil" — the rhetorical seat of power in the Empire of China (221 BC – 1912)
- the Royal Utensils associated with the quintet of Royal Regalia in Thailand — see "Coronation and titles" section of Thai King Bhumibol Adulyadej
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English Journal
- Made in Scotland from… Irn-Bru(®) bottles. A cheap, effective carrier for scientific posters.
- Magennis P1, Begley A2.
- The British journal of oral & maxillofacial surgery.Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg.2015 Jul;53(6):566-8. doi: 10.1016/j.bjoms.2015.02.020. Epub 2015 Apr 3.
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- Cevizci S1, Celik M, Akcali A, Oyekcin DG, Sahin OO, Bakar C.
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- OBJECTIVES: We examined IgG antibody seroprevalence and risk factors for anti-Toxoplasma gondii and anti-Borrelia sp. in schizophrenic patients.METHODS: This case-control study included 30 schizophrenic patients and 60 healthy individuals. Serological analyses were identified by using ELISA techniqu
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- English L1, Lasschuijt M2, Keller KL3.
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Japanese Journal
- FEM解析による分割コイル方式IHクッキングヒータの漏れ磁束低減効果の検証(<特集>第23回「電磁力関連のダイナミクス」シンポジウム)
- 遠州流による茶道にかかわる専門用語の英訳と詳解(第3部)M~R
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- utensilとは。意味や和訳。[名]1 (特に台所で用いる)用具, 器具, 家庭用品. ⇒TOOL[類語]household utensils家庭用品cooking utensils料理道具.2 (一般に)道具, 用具writing utensils筆記用具.3 人の役に立つ人, 人に利用される人 ...
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- 道具、器具、機器、計器。楽器。手段。法律文書。(法律文書としての)証券、(約束)手形
- (器具を)装着する
- 関
- apparatus、device、equipment、fit、instrumental、machine、tool、utensil、wear
- 関
- avenue、gateway、instrument、instrumental、mean、means、policy、utensil
- 英
- tool、instrument、utensil
- 関
- 機器、器具、手段、装置、道具、装着、ツール