- of or relating to the urinary system of the body
- of or relating to the function or production or secretion of urine
- involuntary urination or defecation (同)incontinency
- 尿の;泌尿(ひにょう)[器]の
- 自制のできないこと,不節制,淫乱(いんらん) / 大小便をもらすこと,失禁
- 〈U〉〈C〉努力,骨折り / 〈U〉〈C〉(力・権力などの)発揮,行使《+『of』+『名』》
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English Journal
- Women's perceptions about the etiology of urinary incontinence.
- Melville JL1, Wagner LE, Fan MY, Katon WJ, Newton KM.
- Journal of women's health (2002).J Womens Health (Larchmt).2008 Sep;17(7):1093-8. doi: 10.1089/jwh.2007.0606.
- OBJECTIVE: Incontinent women have low rates of care seeking and treatment, some of which may be explained by their beliefs about the causes of their own urine loss. As little is known about these beliefs, our aim was to qualitatively assess what women perceive as the etiology of their urinary incont
- PMID 18774894
- [Techniques and current practice of urodynamics. Problems and traps].
- Romero Maroto J1, Prieto Chaparro L.
- Actas urologicas españolas.Actas Urol Esp.2003 Feb;27(2):75-91.
- Development of urodynamics particularly during the past decade are highlighted, as well as a number of issues to be faced in the near future: research into the etiopathogenesis of different conditions, finding more sensitive and specific diagnostic procedures to overcome the current ones, establishi
- PMID 12731321
- PMID 9586267
Related Links
- The definition information for urinary exertional incontinence is provided by Stedman's. You can search our medical dictionary here. Stedman's, part of Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, provides a comprehensive line of health-science ...
- Urinary exertional incontinence information including symptoms, causes, diseases, symptoms, treatments, and other medical and health issues. ... Introduction: Urinary exertional incontinence Description of Urinary exertional ...
Related Pictures

- 英
- stress urinary incontinence, stress incontinence, urinary stress incontinence
- 同
- 緊張性尿失禁、運動性尿失禁 urinary exertional incontinence、ストレス性尿失禁
- 関
- 尿失禁
[show details]
- 咳、くしゃみ、笑い、跳躍、走った時、重いものをもった時などのように急に腹圧が加わった時、不随意に尿が漏れる状態。
- 括約筋の軽度不全のため、腹圧上昇時(咳、くしゃみ)に少量の尿が漏れる
- 妊娠や分娩、運動不足が原因となる
- 尽力、努力、奮発。(力の)格子、発揮。骨の折れる作業、運動
- 関
- effort、exert、exertional
- 自制のできないこと。色情的なこと。(医)(大小便・情動の)失禁
- 関
- (n.)continence 自制
- 関
- urinary organ、urinary tract、urine、uro
- 関
- exertion