- cause emotional anguish or make miserable; "It pains me to see my children not being taught well in school" (同)anguish, hurt
- a symptom of some physical hurt or disorder; "the patient developed severe pain and distension" (同)hurting
- a bothersome annoying person; "that kid is a terrible pain" (同)pain in the neck, nuisance
- a somatic sensation of acute discomfort; "as the intensity increased the sensation changed from tickle to pain" (同)pain_sensation, painful sensation
- emotional distress; a fundamental feeling that people try to avoid; "the pain of loneliness" (同)painfulness
- (nautical) the distance traveled by a sailing vessel on a single tack
- a cloth covering consisting of the part of a pair of trousers that covers a persons leg
- one of the supports for a piece of furniture
- a human limb; commonly used to refer to a whole limb but technically only the part of the limb between the knee and ankle
- a structure in animals that is similar to a human leg and used for locomotion
- the limb of an animal used for food
- the topmost one of two
- piece of leather or synthetic material that forms the part of a shoe or boot above the sole that encases the foot; "Uppers come in many styles"
- higher in place or position; "the upper bunk"; "in the upper center of the picture"; "the upper stories"
- superior in rank or accomplishment; "the upper half of the class"
- staying power; "that old Broadway play really has legs"
- 〈C〉〈U〉(肉体のある部分の)『苦痛』,『痛み』 / 〈U〉(精神的な)『苦痛』,心痛 / 《複数形で》骨折り,苦労,努力 / 〈C〉不快感,いやな感じ;うんざりさせるもの,やっかい者 / (肉体的・精神的に)…‘に'苦痛を与える(受動態にできない)
- (人・動物の)『脚』 / (ズボン・靴下などの)脚をおおう部分,脚部 / (家具などの)脚,形(機能)が脚に似た物 / (三角形の底辺を除く)一辺 / (旅などの全行程の中の)一区切り,一区間
- (場所・位置が)『上のほうの』,上部の / 『上級の』,上位の / 奥地の,上流の / 靴の甲皮(こうがわ)(かかとより上の部分) / 覚醒剤(これの反意語はdowner:鎮静剤)
- 《補語にのみ用いて》腹を立てて / 《補語にのみ用いて》(心が)鐘ついて / 不愉快な,気まずい
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English Journal
- 7T MRI of spinal cord injury.
- Cohen-Adad J, Zhao W, Wald LL, Oaklander AL.SourceBoston, MA.
- Neurology.Neurology.2012 Nov 27;79(22):2217. doi: 10.1212/WNL.0b013e31827597ae.
- A man with 25 years of mild left neck, arm, and leg paresthesias had initial MRI in 1996 identifying a left C3-4 dorsal horn cavernous hemangioma. In 1997, hemorrhage (C3-7) and resection induced left arm > leg proprioceptive loss and clumsiness. Three months after surgical resection, left upper-
- PMID 23183281
- A randomized double-blind trial of upward progressive versus degressive compressive stockings in patients with moderate to severe chronic venous insufficiency.
- Couzan S, Leizorovicz A, Laporte S, Mismetti P, Pouget JF, Chapelle C, Quéré I.SourceClinique Mutualiste, Saint-Étienne, France.
- Journal of vascular surgery.J Vasc Surg.2012 Nov;56(5):1344-1350.e1. doi: 10.1016/j.jvs.2012.02.060. Epub 2012 May 15.
- BACKGROUND: The present randomized double-blind multicenter study was designed to assess the efficacy of a progressive compressive stocking (new concept with maximal pressure at calf), compared to a degressive compressive stocking graded 30 mm Hg, evaluating the improvement of lower leg symptoms of
- PMID 22592040
Japanese Journal
- 立ち乗り式四輪型パーソナルモビリティ・ビークルにおける人間の立位姿勢での重心移動
- 立ち乗り式四輪型パーソナルモビリティ・ビークルにおける人間の立位姿勢での重心移動
- Comparison of muscular activities in the abdomen and lower limbs while performing sit-up and leg-raise
Related Links
- At times, upper leg pain can be quite troublesome since it affects your mobility up to a large extent. This article discusses some of the aspects associated with this problem.
- Tips for identifying and overcoming hamstring, quadricep and groin injuries. ... Groin Pull Description: Pain in the upper inner thigh muscle. Likely causes: Plain and simple, this is an overuse injury. The pain is your adductor muscle ...
- 英
- upper leg pain
- 関
- 上腕痛
- http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/pain
- physical suffering or distress, as due to injury, illness, etc.
- a distressing sensation in a particular part of the body
- mental or emotional suffering or torment
- pains,
- laborious or careful efforts; assiduous care
- the suffering of childbirth.
- 関
- lower extremity、peduncle、pedunculi、pedunculus
- 関
- upper part