- 関
- independent、irrelevant、irrespective、unrelated
- not joined or linked together
- not connected by birth or family
- not controlled by a party or interest group
- (of a clause) capable of standing syntactically alone as a complete sentence; "the main (or independent) clause in a complex sentence has at least a subject and a verb" (同)main
- free from external control and constraint; "an independent mind"; "a series of independent judgments"; "fiercely independent individualism"
- having no bearing on or connection with the subject at issue; "an irrelevant comment"; "irrelevant allegations"
- not connected by kinship
- lacking a logical or causal relation
- the lack of a connection between things
- 連結されていない,離れた,別々の / 関係のない,関連のない
- (他に)『頼らない』,依存しない / 『独立した』ほかの支配(影響)を受けない / 『関係(関連)がない』,独自の / (収入・資産が)働かなくても暮らせるだけの / 独立者,独立したもの / 党派に属さない人(無所属議員,自由な投票者など)
- 見当違いの;取るに足りない
- 《be irrespective of+名》(に)かかわりない
- 無関係の;語られていない
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English Journal
- Challenges in design and interpretation of chronic pain trials.
- Moore RA, Derry S, Wiffen PJ.SourcePain Research and Nuffield Division of Anaesthetics, Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences, University of Oxford, The Churchill, Oxford OX3 7LE, UK.
- British journal of anaesthesia.Br J Anaesth.2013 Jul;111(1):38-45.
- The process of systematic review has shone a light on the methodology of randomized controlled trials. Notably, a range of potential biases hinders the interpretation of chronic pain trials. These include a consistent bias favouring active over placebo in trials that are small and of short duration.
- PMID 23794643
- Impact of proangiogenic factors on organization and biodegradation of a collagen matrix. An immunohistochemical study in rats.
- Schwarz F, John G, Kaiser T, Mihatovic I, Golubovic V, Becker J.SourceDepartment of Oral Surgery, Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf, Germany.
- Clinical oral implants research.Clin Oral Implants Res.2013 Jun 18. doi: 10.1111/clr.12211. [Epub ahead of print]
- AIM: The aim of the present study was to investigate the impact of proangiogenic factors [erythropoetin (EPO), human growth hormone (HGH), fibroblast growth factor (FGF), and platelet derived growth factor (PDGF-BB)] on the organization and biodegradation of a porcine-derived collagen matrix (CM) in
- PMID 23782273
- Long-term temporal variation in the organization of an ant-plant network.
- Díaz-Castelazo C, Sánchez-Galván IR, Guimarães PR Jr, Raimundo RL, Rico-Gray V.SourceInstituto de Ecología, A.C. Xalapa, Veracruz 91070, México.
- Annals of botany.Ann Bot.2013 Jun;111(6):1285-93. doi: 10.1093/aob/mct071.
- Background and Aims Functional groups of species interact and coevolve in space and time, forming complex networks of interacting species. A long-term study of temporal variation of an ant-plant network is presented with the aims of: (1) depicting its structural changes over a 20-year period; (2) de
- PMID 23704116
- The anchoring function: parental authority and the parent-child bond.
- Omer H, Steinmetz SG, Carthy T, von Schlippe A.SourceSchool of Psychological Sciences, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel.
- Family process.Fam Process.2013 Jun;52(2):193-206. doi: 10.1111/famp.12019. Epub 2013 Jan 16.
- Descriptions of parental authority and of the formation of a secure parent-child bond have remained unconnected in conceptualizations about parenting and child development. The parental anchoring function is here presented as an integrative metaphor for the two fields. Parents who fulfill an anchori
- PMID 23763680
Japanese Journal
- 「放射能が手に届いた気がしたんだ」 : 原子力災害における<リアリティ>の構成をめぐる人類学的考察(<特集>災害と人類学-東日本大震災にいかに向き合うか)
- 猪瀬 浩平
- 文化人類学 78(1), 81-98, 2013-06-30
- 2011年3月に起きた東京電力の原発事故によってもたらされた原子力災害は、人と人、人と自然との間に様々な分断をもたらしている。本論文は、ボルタンスキーの議論に依拠し、混沌とした事態としての<世界>がたち現れる中で、人々が科学的実践を媒介にしながら制御可能性を取り戻し、共有・調整可能な制度としての<リアリティ>を再構成していく過程を民族誌的に記述する。筆者のフィールドである見 …
- NAID 110009624408
- Influence of In-Plane Vibration on SEA Model for Flexural Vibration on Plate Structures
- KURODA Katsuhiko,YAMAZAKI Toru,KURATANI Fumiyasu
- Journal of System Design and Dynamics 6(2), 227-239, 2012
- … Differences occur in the flexural vibration loss factors in the frequency bands corresponding to the natural frequencies of the in-plane vibration in the unconnected plates. …
- NAID 130002100323
- Neural processing associated with comprehension of an indirect reply during a scenario reading task
- Shibata Midori,Abe Jun-ichi,Itoh Hiroaki,Shimada Koji,Umeda Satoshi
- Neuropsychologia 49(13), 3542-3550, 2011-11-00
- … The first two sentences explained the situation of the protagonists, whereas the third sentence had an indirect, literal, or unconnected meaning. …
- NAID 120003660600
- ランダムグラフにおけるネットワーク信頼度の評価(フレッシュマンセッション,一般)
- 矢野 暁之,和田山 正
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. IT, 情報理論 111(142), 59-64, 2011-07-14
- 無向グラフGが与えられたとき,各辺が独立に確率εで消失するという状況設定を考える.ネットワーク故障率とは,この状況でグラフGが非連結となる確率を指す.与えられたグラフに対してネットワーク故障率を算出する問題はネットワーク信頼度問題と呼ばれ,特に理論計算機科学分野で活発に研究が進められてきた.本稿では,Erdos-Renyiランダムグラフと関係深いあるグラフアンサンブル上でのネットワーク故障率の期待 …
- NAID 110008800374
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- ~に関わりない。(副詞的に用いて)にもかかわらず、かまわず、無関係に
- Irrespective of age, patients with PDA require surgical or catheter closure.
- 関
- (adv.)irrespectively 関係なく(of)
- independent, irrelevant, unconnected, unrelated
- 非依存性の、非依存的な、独立の、独立的な、独立性の、無関係の、別個の
- 関
- apart、independence、independency、independently、irrelevant、irrespective、unconnected、unrelated
- 不適切な、筋違いの、見当違いの、的はずれの、ちぐはぐな、関連性のない(to)
- 関
- improperly, inadequacy, inadequate, inadequately, inappropriately, independent, irrespective, unconnected, unrelated
- 英
- unrelated、independent、irrelevant、irrespective、unconnected
- 関
- 独立、独立性、独立的、非依存性、不適切、別個、非依存的
- 関
- independent、irrelevant、irrespective、unconnected