- 関
- ever、heretofore、hitherto、so far、until now
- at any time; "did you ever smoke?"; "the best con man of all time" (同)of all time
- (intensifier for adjectives) very; "she was ever so friendly" (同)ever so
- reflecting the latest information or changes; "an up-to-date issue of the magazine"
- in accord with the most fashionable ideas or style; "wears only the latest style"; "the last thing in swimwear"; "cutting-edge technology"; "a with-it boutique" (同)cutting-edge, with-it
- provide with a dateline; mark with a date; "She wrote the letter on Monday but she dated it Saturday so as not to reveal that she procrastinated"
- the specified day of the month; "what is the date today?" (同)day of the month
- a particular but unspecified point in time; "they hoped to get together at an early date" (同)particular date
- a particular day specified as the time something happens; "the date of the election is set by law"
- the particular day, month, or year (usually according to the Gregorian calendar) that an event occurred; "he tried to memorizes all the dates for his history class"
- the present; "they are up to date"; "we havent heard from them to date"
- a meeting arranged in advance; "she asked how to avoid kissing at the end of a date" (同)appointment, engagement
- a participant in a date; "his date never stopped talking" (同)escort
- sweet edible fruit of the date palm with a single long woody seed
- stamp with a date; "The package is dated November 24" (同)date stamp
- assign a date to; determine the (probable) date of; "Scientists often cannot date precisely archeological or prehistorical findings"
- go on a date with; "Tonight she is dating a former high school sweetheart"
- make a light, metallic sound; go `ting
- a light clear metallic sound as of a small bell (同)tinkle
- cause to make a ting
- having a toe or toes of a specified kind; often used in combination; "long-toed; "five-toed"
- marked by features of the immediate and usually discounted past
- 《疑問文・否定文,また比較級・最上級の文で》『かつて』,今まで / 《条件節,または未来時制で》いつか,いずれ / 《疑問詞を強調して》《話》いったい[ぜんたい],どれほど,そもそも / 《肯定文に用いて》いつも,常に,絶えず
- 今まで,これまで,以前は
- 今まで,これまで(until now)
- 『最新の』,最新流行の,当世ふうの
- 〈C〉『日付』,年月日 / 〈U〉(歴史上の)『時代』,年代 / 〈C〉(…の)約束[の日]《+『for』+『名』》;《話》(異性との)デート《+『with』+『名』》 / 〈C〉《おもに米話》デートの相手 / 《複数形で》(ある人の)生没期間,生没年;(物事の)開始と終了の期日 / …‘に'『日付を入れる』,年月日を書く / …‘の'『年代』(『時代』)『を定める』,年代を算定する / …'を'古くさくする,時代遅れにする / 《おもに米話》〈異性〉‘と'デートする / 『日付がある』;(特定の時代に)『始まる』,(…に)起源をもつ《+『from』(『back to』)+『名』》 / 時代遅れになる / 《おもに米話》デートする
- ナツメヤシ(date palm)の実 / (また『date palm』)ナツメヤシ
- 《方向》(1)(到着の意を含めて)…『へ』,に,まで / 《状況の変化》…[のほう]へ;…に[なるまで],その結果…になる / 《適用範囲》(1)《動詞に伴って》『…に対して』,に,へ / (2)《形容詞[句]・[代]名倍に伴って》『…に対して』 / 《程度・範囲》『…[に至る]まで』 / 《時間の終り》『…まで』(till) / 《to one's+『名』の形で》(…が)『…したことに[は]』 / 《比較・対比・割合》『…と比べて』,より,に対して / 《一致・適合》『…に合わせて』,に合って,に応じて / 《目的・意図》『…のために』 / 《運命・境遇》『…に』 / 《所属・関係》『…へ』,に[対して] / 《付加・付着・固執》『…に』 / 《対立・対向》…に[対して] / いつもの状態(位置)に / 停止(閉鎖)の状態に / 活動状態に(へ),仕事に
- 《名詞的用法》『…すること』 / 《形容詞的用法》『…するための,すべき』 / 《副詞的用法》『…するために』,して,するとは,すれば / 《独立用法》 / 《文全体を修飾する慣用語句》…すれば,してみると,…だが / 短縮文
- …‘を'チリンチリナ(リンリン)と鳴らす / チリンチリン鳴る宴
- 足指のある / 《複合語を作って》足指が…の:five-toed 足指が5本の
- 時代遅れの(out-of-date) / 日付のある
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Biochemical and biological characterization of two Brassicaceae after their commercial expiry date.
- Ombra MN1, Cozzolino A2, Nazzaro F3, d'Acierno A3, Tremonte P4, Coppola R2, Fratianni F3.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2017 Mar 1;218:335-340. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2016.09.082. Epub 2016 Sep 15.
- Two Brassicaceae (Eruca sativa, Brassica oleracea var. sabauda) were stored in air and under a modified atmosphere for several days after their expiry date and then analyzed. The polyphenol content and composition, as well as the antioxidant activity of the extracts, were assessed, compared to the f
- PMID 27719918
- Geoclimatic, morphological, and temporal effects on Lebanese olive oils composition and classification: A (1)H NMR metabolomic study.
- Merchak N1, El Bacha E2, Bou Khouzam R3, Rizk T2, Akoka S4, Bejjani J5.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2017 Feb 15;217:379-88. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2016.08.110. Epub 2016 Aug 29.
- Two hundred and thirty-four Lebanese olive samples were collected from different regions and the corresponding oils were analysed by (1)H NMR spectroscopy. The variables obtained, related to fatty acids and minor components, were used as inputs in univariate and multivariate analyses aiming to chara
- PMID 27664649
- Metabolome based volatiles profiling in 13 date palm fruit varieties from Egypt via SPME GC-MS and chemometrics.
- Khalil MN1, Fekry MI1, Farag MA2.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2017 Feb 15;217:171-81. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2016.08.089. Epub 2016 Aug 25.
- Dates (Phoenix dactylifera L.) are distributed worldwide as major food complement providing a source of sugars and dietary fiber as well as macro- and micronutrients. Although phytochemical analyses of date fruit non-volatile metabolites have been reported, much less is known about the aroma given o
- PMID 27664623
Japanese Journal
- 女性におけるスポーツ・運動実践:東京女子大学の体育を中心として
- Science reports of Tokyo Woman's Christian University 65(3), 1987-1999, 20150315-00-00
- NAID 120005673165
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- 関
- always、constantly、heretofore、hitherto、routinely、so far、to date、until now
- 英
- to date、so far、until now、hitherto、heretofore、ever
- 関
- 従来、常に、現在まで、今日まで
- 関
- ever, hitherto, so far, to date, until now
- 関
- conventional、ever、heretofore、hitherto、to date、until now
- 関
- ever、heretofore、hitherto、so far、to date
- date
- He is up to date on all recommended vaccinations.
- 関
- latest、updated
- 関
- chronology
date ( string $format [, int $timestamp ] )
"His" 205130
a 午前または午後(小文字) am または pm
A 午前または午後(大文字) AM または PM
B Swatch インターネット時間 000 から 999
g 時。12時間単位。先頭にゼロを付けない。 1 から 12
G 時。24時間単位。先頭にゼロを付けない。 0 から 23
h 時。数字。12 時間単位。 01 から 12
H 時。数字。24 時間単位。 00 から 23
i 分。先頭にゼロをつける。 00 から 59
s 秒。先頭にゼロをつける。
- デートすること。日付記入、年代決定、年代測定。価格割引適用日数、代金支払猶予日数
- 足指のある、つま先のある、(くぎを)斜めに打ち込んだ