- let something be known; "Tell them that you will be late"
- give evidence; "he was telling on all his former colleague" (同)evidence
- narrate or give a detailed account of; "Tell what happened"; "The father told a story to his child" (同)narrate, recount, recite
- discern or comprehend; "He could tell that she was unhappy"
- informing by words (同)apprisal, notification
- =television
- …‘を'『話す』,語る,言う;〈人〉‘に'話す / 《tell+名〈人〉+to do》(…するように)〈人〉‘に'命じる / …‘を'『見分ける,』識別する / …‘が'分かる,‘を'知る / …‘を'『表す』 / 《古》…‘の'数を勘定する,‘を'数える 語る (…を)『物語る,』示す《+of+名》 / (人のことを)『告げ口する,』密告する《+on+名》 / 《can, be able to などを伴う否定文・疑問文で用いて》(…について)『分かる,』知る《+about+名》 / (…に)力を発揮する,効きめがある,影響する《+on(against)+名》
- 効きめのある,有効な / (秘密・正体などを)明らかにする,知らせる
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/12/11 15:55:43」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
The word telly may refer to:
- A colloquial term for television
- Telly Monster
- Telly Awards
- Telly Home Entertainment Server
- Telly (home entertainment server), a range of computer systems
- Telly Addicts UK game show
- Indian Telly Awards
- Telly Savalas, American actor
English Journal
- Telly health. Interview by Louise Naughton.
- Singh R.
- Community practitioner : the journal of the Community Practitioners' & Health Visitors' Association.Community Pract.2013 Aug;86(8):21-3.
- PMID 23986986
- The c.5242C>A BRCA1 missense variant induces exon skipping by increasing splicing repressors binding.
- Millevoi S, Bernat S, Telly D, Fouque F, Gladieff L, Favre G, Vagner S, Toulas C.SourceINSERM U563, Institut Claudius Regaud, 20-24 rue du Pont St Pierre, 31052, Toulouse, France. millevoi.stefania@claudiusregaud.fr
- Breast cancer research and treatment.Breast Cancer Res Treat.2010 Apr;120(2):391-9. doi: 10.1007/s10549-009-0392-3. Epub 2009 Apr 30.
- Several unclassified variants (UV) of BRCA1 can be deleterious by affecting normal pre-mRNA splicing. Here, we investigated the consequences at the mRNA level of the frequently encountered c.5242C>A UV in BRCA1 exon 18. We show that the c.5242C>A variant induces skipping of exon 18 in UV carri
- PMID 19404736
- [Deciphering the "ugly duckling", but escaping the "telly belly". Exploratory algorithm of the diagnostic cutting edge of melanoma].
- Quatresooz P, Piérard GE, Piérard-Franchimont C; Groupe Mosan d'Etudes des Tumeurs Pigmentaires.Collaborators (32)Piérard GE, Quatresooz P, Arrese JE, Blaise G, Bourguignon R, Broux M, Claessens N, Cornil F, Damseaux M, Darcis JM, Dehavay J, Delvoye P, Devillers C, Fraiture AL, Franchimont C, Goffin V, Henry F, Hermanns JF, Lê T, Lesuisse M, Letawe C, Letot B, Martalo O, Mauhin F, Paquet P, Reginster MA, Szepetiuk G, Tassoudji N, Thirion L, Uhoda I, Vandenbossche G, Willemaers V.
- Revue médicale de Liège.Rev Med Liege.2010 Apr;65(4):180-5.
- In a manichean ideal, one expects unreservedly a clear-cut distinction between benign melanocytic neoplasms and the malignant ones. Such a distinction is commonly established by a clinico-pathologic confrontation for the majority of neoplasms. However, the boundaries may be blurred and uncertain for
- PMID 20499819
Japanese Journal
- Recombinant Zea mays profilin forms multimers with pan-allergenic potential
- , ,
- Allergology international : official journal of the Japanese Society of Allergology 49(1), 27-35, 2000-03-01
- European studies have shown that approximately 20% of all pollen-allergic patients display IgE reactivity to various plant profilins. Profilins are ubiquitous intracellular proteins, with a role in ce …
- NAID 10011520469
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- 関
- describe、mention、note、say、speak、state、talk