- of or characteristic of high rank or importance; "a superior ruler"
- one of greater rank or station or quality (同)higher-up, superordinate
- the head of a religious community
- (often followed by `to'
- (sometimes followed by `to'
- having an orbit farther from the sun than the Earths orbit; "Mars and Jupiter are the closest in of the superior planets"
- of high or superior quality or performance; "superior wisdom derived from experience"; "superior math students"
- a network of intersecting blood vessels or intersecting nerves or intersecting lymph vessels (同)rete
- a town in northwest Wisconsin on Lake Superior across from Duluth
- of or involving the rectum; "rectal cancer"
- (程度・質が)『普通(平均)以上に優れた』,優秀な / (地位・階級などが)『上位の』,上級の,目上の / (数量的に)勝る,優勢な / (用動が)偉ぶった,高慢な / 《補語にのみ用いて》(…に)屈しない,動じない《+to+名》 / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》(動・植物の器官や部分が)上位の,上についている / (地位・階級などが)『上位の人』,上役,上司,先輩 / 『いっそう優れた人』 / 《しばしば S-》修道院長
- (神経・血管などの)網状組織
- スペリオル湖(lake~;北米五大湖中で最北最大のもの)
- 直腸(rectum)の
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2017/11/29 23:44:01」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Superior rectal plexus |
Details |
Identifiers |
Latin |
plexus rectalis superior |
/Elsevier |
p_24/12648389 |
TA |
A14.3.03.038 |
21536 |
Anatomical terms of neuroanatomy
[edit on Wikidata]
The superior rectal plexus (or superior hemorrhoidal plexus) supplies the rectum and joins in the pelvis with branches from the pelvic plexuses.
The superior rectal plexus is a division of the inferior mesenteric plexus.
This article incorporates text in the public domain from the 20th edition of Gray's Anatomy (1918)
External links
- figures/chapter_32/32-6.HTM: Basic Human Anatomy at Dartmouth Medical School
Anatomy of the autonomic nervous system
Head |
Sympathetic |
- Cervical Chain Ganglion: roots
- long ciliary
- Deep Petrosal
Parasympathetic |
- Ciliary ganglion: roots
- Short ciliary
- Pterygopalatine ganglion: deep petrosal
- nerve of pterygoid canal
- branches of distribution: greater palatine
- inferior posterior nasal branches
- lesser palatine
- nasopalatine
- medial superior posterior nasal branches
- pharyngeal
Neck |
Sympathetic |
- paravertebral ganglia: Cervical ganglia
- Stellate ganglion
- prevertebral plexus: Cavernous plexus
- Internal carotid
Chest |
Sympathetic |
- paravertebral ganglia: Thoracic ganglia
- prevertebral plexus: Cardiac plexus
- Esophageal plexus
- Pulmonary plexus
- Thoracic aortic plexus
- splanchnic nerves: cardiopulmonary
- thoracic
- cardiac nerves: Superior
- Middle
- Inferior
Abdomen |
Sympathetic |
- paravertebral ganglia: Lumbar ganglia
- prevertebral ganglia:
- Celiac ganglia
- Aorticorenal
- Superior mesenteric ganglion
- Inferior mesenteric ganglion
- prevertebral plexus:
- Celiac plexus
- Hepatic
- Splenic
- Pancreatic
- aorticorenal
- Abdominal aortic plexus
- Renal/Suprarenal
- Superior mesenteric
- Inferior mesenteric
- Superior hypogastric
- hypogastric nerve
- Superior rectal
- Inferior hypogastric
- Vesical
- Prostatic / Cavernous nerves of penis
- Uterovaginal
- Middle rectal
- splanchnic nerves: Lumbar splanchnic nerves
Enteric |
- Submucous plexus
- Myenteric plexus
Pelvis |
Sympathetic |
- paravertebral ganglia: Sacral ganglia
- Ganglion impar
- splanchnic nerves: Sacral splanchnic nerves
Parasympathetic |
- splanchnic nerves: Pelvic splanchnic nerves
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Total mesorectal excision for rectal cancer with emphasis on pelvic autonomic nerve preservation: Expert technical tips for robotic surgery.
- Kim NK1, Kim YW2, Cho MS3.
- Surgical oncology.Surg Oncol.2015 Sep;24(3):172-80. doi: 10.1016/j.suronc.2015.06.012. Epub 2015 Jun 17.
- The primary goal of surgical intervention for rectal cancer is to achieve an oncologic cure while preserving function. Since the introduction of total mesorectal excision (TME), the oncologic outcome has improved greatly in terms of local recurrence and cancer-specific survival. However, there are s
- PMID 26141555
- Nerve-guided laparoscopic total mesorectal excision for distal rectal cancer.
- Zhou H1, Ruan C, Sun Y, Zhang J, Wang Z, Hu Z.
- Annals of surgical oncology.Ann Surg Oncol.2015 Feb;22(2):550-1. doi: 10.1245/s10434-014-4161-0. Epub 2014 Oct 21.
- BACKGROUND: Urogenital dysfunctions are well-recognized problems after rectal cancer surgery and are often due to autonomic nerve damage. Although following holy planes during total mesorectal excision (TME) reduces the possibility of damage to the autonomic nerve fibers, these could still be affect
- PMID 25331006
- Multiple variations in the pelvic vasculature - a case report.
- Nayak SB1, Shetty SD2, Sirasanagandla SR2, P V3, Jetti R4.
- Journal of clinical and diagnostic research : JCDR.J Clin Diagn Res.2015 Feb;9(2):AD01-2. doi: 10.7860/JCDR/2015/10775.5526. Epub 2015 Feb 1.
- A thorough knowledge of possible variations of pelvic vasculature is very useful for surgeons, gynaecologists, radiologists, urologists and orthopaedic surgeons. We report multiple vascular variations in the left half of the pelvis of an adult male cadaver. Iliolumbar artery arose from the main trun
- PMID 25859441
Japanese Journal
- 肝動脈門脈短絡に連続する巨大門脈瘤・直腸静脈瘤を有したB型肝硬変の1治療例
- 直腸癌に対する自律神経機能温存手術 第1報 自律神経を中心とした直腸癌手術分類の試み:第1報:自律神経を中心とした直腸癌手術分類の試み
Related Links
- The superior rectal plexus (or superior hemorrhoidal plexus) supplies the rectum and joins in the pelvis with branches from the pelvic plexuses. The superior rectal plexus is a division of the inferior mesenteric plexus. References [edit] ...
- plexus [plek´sus] (pl. plex´us, plexuses) (L.) a network or tangle, chiefly of veins or nerves; see also rete. adj., adj plex´al. plexus basila´ris a venous plexus of the dura mater located over the basilar part of the occipital bone and the ...
- 英
- superior rectal plexus
- ラ
- plexus rectalis superior
- 関
- dominance、dominant、dominantly、epi、epistasis、epistatic、excellent、good、predominately、senior、superio、superiorly、supra
- 関
- epi、epistasis、epistatic、senior、superior、supra
- 関
- plexal、plexuses
- 関
- rectum
- 関
- plexal、plexus