- of or characteristic of high rank or importance; "a superior ruler"
- one of greater rank or station or quality (同)higher-up, superordinate
- the head of a religious community
- (often followed by `to'
- (sometimes followed by `to'
- having an orbit farther from the sun than the Earths orbit; "Mars and Jupiter are the closest in of the superior planets"
- of high or superior quality or performance; "superior wisdom derived from experience"; "superior math students"
- a network of intersecting blood vessels or intersecting nerves or intersecting lymph vessels (同)rete
- a town in northwest Wisconsin on Lake Superior across from Duluth
- of or involving the rectum; "rectal cancer"
- (程度・質が)『普通(平均)以上に優れた』,優秀な / (地位・階級などが)『上位の』,上級の,目上の / (数量的に)勝る,優勢な / (用動が)偉ぶった,高慢な / 《補語にのみ用いて》(…に)屈しない,動じない《+to+名》 / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》(動・植物の器官や部分が)上位の,上についている / (地位・階級などが)『上位の人』,上役,上司,先輩 / 『いっそう優れた人』 / 《しばしば S-》修道院長
- (神経・血管などの)網状組織
- スペリオル湖(lake~;北米五大湖中で最北最大のもの)
- 直腸(rectum)の
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English Journal
- [Consensus hemorrhoids (Dutch Society for Surgery)].
- Janssen LW1.
- Nederlands tijdschrift voor geneeskunde.Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd.1994 Oct 15;138(42):2106-9.
- On the initiative of the Dutch Surgical Society a consensus meeting was held on December 3rd, 1993 in Utrecht, the Netherlands by the National Organisation for Quality Assurance in Hospitals (CBO), on the diagnosis and treatment of haemorrhoids. The following statements were formulated. Haemorrhoids
- PMID 7969578
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- dominance、dominant、dominantly、epi、epistasis、epistatic、excellent、good、predominately、senior、superio、superiorly、supra
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