- the state of being pregnant; the period from conception to birth when a woman carries a developing fetus in her uterus (同)gestation, maternity
- 《所有・所属》…『の』,…のものである,…に属する・《材料・要素》…『でできた』,から成る・《部分》…『の』[『中の』] ・《数量・単位・種類を表す名詞に付いて》…の・《原因・動機》…『で』,のために(because of) ・《主格関係》…『の』,による,によって・《目的格関係》…『を』,の・《同格関係》…『という』・《関係・関連》…『についての』[『の』],の点で・《抽象名詞などと共に》…の[性質をもつ] ・《『It is』+『形』+『of』+『名』+『to』 doの形で,ofの後の名詞を意味上の主語として》・《分離》…『から』・《起原・出所》…『から』[『の』](out of) ・《『名』+『of』+『a』(『an』)+『名』の形で》…のような・《『名』+『of』+『mine』(『yours, his』など独立所有格)の形で》…の…・《時》(1)《副詞句を作って》…に《形容詞句を作って》…の・《時刻》《米》…前(to,《米》before)
- 〈U〉〈C〉妊娠の状態(期間) / 〈U〉《文》含蓄
- 〈C〉細い溝(筋)にはいった状熊,筋を付けること / 〈C〉細い溝(筋)に一本(stria)
- OLD French古[代]フランス語
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English Journal
- Transvaginal sonographic features of diffuse adenomyosis in 18-30-year-old nulligravid women without endometriosis: association with symptoms.
- Pinzauti S1, Lazzeri L1, Tosti C1, Centini G1, Orlandini C1, Luisi S1, Zupi E1, Exacoustos C2, Petraglia F1.
- Ultrasound in obstetrics & gynecology : the official journal of the International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology.Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol.2015 Dec;46(6):730-6. doi: 10.1002/uog.14834.
- OBJECTIVES: To investigate whether there are sonographic features of diffuse adenomyosis in 18-30-year-old nulligravid women without endometriosis and to examine their association with symptoms of dysmenorrhea and abnormal uterine bleeding.METHODS: This was a prospective observational study includin
- PMID 25728241
- Loss of assembly of the main basement membrane collagen, type IV, but not fibril-forming collagens and embryonic death in collagen prolyl 4-hydroxylase I null mice.
- Holster T1, Pakkanen O, Soininen R, Sormunen R, Nokelainen M, Kivirikko KI, Myllyharju J.
- The Journal of biological chemistry.J Biol Chem.2007 Jan 26;282(4):2512-9. Epub 2006 Nov 29.
- Collagen prolyl 4-hydroxylases (C-P4Hs) catalyze the formation of the 4-hydroxyproline residues that are essential for the generation of triple helical collagen molecules. The vertebrate C-P4Hs I, II, and III are [alpha(I)]2beta2, [alpha(II)]2beta2, and [alpha(III)]2beta2 tetramers with identical be
- PMID 17135260
- Immunohistochemistry of two different types of placental fibrinoid.
- Frank HG1, Malekzadeh F, Kertschanska S, Crescimanno C, Castellucci M, Lang I, Desoye G, Kaufmann P.
- Acta anatomica.Acta Anat (Basel).1994;150(1):55-68.
- The structure and composition of human placental fibrinoid were studied on cryostat and paraffin sections and by transmission electron microscopy as well as immunohistochemistry using antibodies directed against fibrin, fibronectin isoforms, collagens IV and VI, laminin and tenascin. The findings su
- PMID 7526588
- 英
- striae gravidarum, striae of pregnancy, striation of pregnancy
- ラ
- stria gravidarum, striae gravidarum
- 子宮の急激な増大により皮膚が過度に進展され皮下組織が断裂してできる長紡錘形の線
- 分娩後は瘢痕化して旧妊娠線として残存。消失しない(100G054)
- http://blog-imgs-1.fc2.com/m/i/l/milkbaby/20050507153206.jpg
- http://yoga.kisokouza.net/ninshinsen.jpg
- 関
- cross striation、stripe