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- 1. 皮膚伸展線条striae distensae stretch marks [show details]
… during pregnancy, higher birth weight and gestational age, multiple gestation pregnancies, polyhydramnios, or a lack of chronic diseases . Increased maternal age seems to protect against striae gravidarum …
- 2. 妊娠への母体の適応:皮膚、毛髪、爪、粘膜maternal adaptations to pregnancy skin hair nails and mucous membranes [show details]
… predisposition to development of striae gravidarum . Nonwhite women and women with a history of breast or thigh striae are also more prone to this condition . A large weight gain during pregnancy also appears to be …
- 3. 妊娠の皮膚病dermatoses of pregnancy [show details]
… suggest atopic eruption of pregnancy (AEP). Involvement of striae is common in polymorphic eruption of pregnancy (PEP). Nodular lesions on the limbs suggest prurigo of pregnancy (prurigo-type AEP). Urticarial …
- 4. マルファン症候群および関連疾患の遺伝学、臨床的特徴、および診断genetics clinical features and diagnosis of marfan syndrome and related disorders [show details]
… score) . The presence of striae atrophicae contributes one point to the systemic score if they are not associated with pronounced weight changes or pregnancy and if they have an uncommon location …
- 5. 妊娠時の乾癬のマネージメントmanagement of psoriasis in pregnancy [show details]
… corticosteroids. Of note, the development of striae (stretch marks) is common in pregnancy and use of topical corticosteroids may increase risk for striae in sites of application. When topical therapy …
English Journal
- Maternal and fetal effects of chocolate consumption during pregnancy: a systematic review.
- , L L, R R, R R, .
- The journal of maternal-fetal & neonatal medicine : the official journal of the European Association of Perinatal Medicine, the Federation of Asia and Oceania Perinatal Societies, the International Society of Perinatal Obstetricians. 2019 Sep;32(17)2915-2927.
- Array
- PMID 29534636
- Unraveling the molecular and cellular mechanisms of stretch marks.
- Schuck DC, de Carvalho CM, Sousa MPJ, Fávero PP, Martin AA, Lorencini M, Brohem CA.
- Journal of cosmetic dermatology. 2019 May;().
- Striae distensae, commonly known as stretch marks, are cutaneous lesions that accompany the hormonal upheavals of the major stages of life: puberty and pregnancy. Stretch marks occur in 90% of women, and they appear as red or purple lines that slowly fade to pale lines on the skin. There have been f
- PMID 31131982
- The use of energy devices in the treatment of striae: a systematic literature review.
- Kravvas G, Veitch D, Al-Niaimi F.
- The Journal of dermatological treatment. 2019 May;30(3)294-302.
- Striae distensae are caused by rapid stretching of the skin. They are often secondary to obesity or pregnancy and can lead to significant cosmetic disfigurement. To determine the efficacy, indications, and side effects of commonly used energy devices in the treatment of striae. A comprehensive liter
- PMID 30049244
Japanese Journal
- 妊娠線出現前の妊婦の妊娠線に対する認識と妊娠線予防行動との関連
- 山口 琴美,井関 敦子,大橋 一友
- 母性衛生 55(4), 783-790, 2015-01
- 【目的】妊娠線出現前の妊婦が持つ妊娠線に対する認識と妊娠線予防行動との関連性を検討した。【方法】3産婦人科医院にて質問紙調査を実施し,初産婦65名と経産婦34名からの回答を解析した。妊娠線予防対策の有無と妊娠線に対する認識を「とても思う」「やや思う」「どちらともいえない」「あまり思わない」「まったく思わない」の5段階尺度で調査し,前2者を『思う』,後2者を『思わない』と分類した。【結果】61名(6 …
- NAID 110009901234
- Pruritic Urticarial Papules and Plaques of Pregnancy の1例
- 山村 真弘,雄山 瑞栄,清島 真理子
- 西日本皮膚科 = The Nishinihon journal of
- … 29歳の初産婦にみられたpruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy(PUPPP)の1例を報告した。 …
- NAID 10019144535
Related Links
- When do they appear? Most pregnant women notice stretch marks around the 30 week mark Pregnancy stretch marks are very common however; there is some debate about when they will appear. Generally speaking, it seems that most women develop pregnancy stretch marks at around 30 weeks
- Overview Striae gravidarum, stretch marks in pregnancy, occur in about 90% of all pregnant women. They are primarily due to the rapid rate at which the skin is being stretched, combined with the influence of hormones. Who's at risk? ...
- atrophic striae (stri´ae atro´phicae) atrophic, pinkish or purplish, scarlike lesions, later becoming white (lineae albicantes), on the breasts, thighs, abdomen, and buttocks, due to weakening of elastic tissues, associated with ...
- 英
- striae gravidarum, striae of pregnancy, striation of pregnancy
- ラ
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