- make less natural or innocent; "Their manners had sophisticated the young girls"
- make more complex or refined; "a sophisticated design"
- a worldly-wise person (同)man_of_the_world
- alter and make impure, as with the intention to deceive; "Sophisticate rose water with geraniol" (同)doctor, doctor up
- not wise in the ways of the world; "either too unsophisticated or too honest to promise more than he could deliver"; "this helplessly unworldly woman"- Kate OBrien (同)unworldly
- intellectually appealing; "a sophisticated drama"
- having or appealing to those having worldly knowledge and refinement and savoir-faire; "sophisticated young socialites"; "a sophisticated audience"; "a sophisticated lifestyle"; "a sophisticated book"
- 〈人〉‘の'純真さを失わせる,‘を'世慣れさせる / …‘を'複雑にする,精巧にする / 洗練された人…世間ずれした人
- 世慣れていない,人ずれしてない,素朴な,うぶな
- 『世慣れた』,世間ずれした,純真でない / 洗練された,気のきいた / (機械・方式などが)極めて複雑な,精巧な
English Journal
- Recognizing molecular patterns by machine learning: an agnostic structural definition of the hydrogen bond.
- Gasparotto P1, Ceriotti M1.
- The Journal of chemical physics.J Chem Phys.2014 Nov 7;141(17):174110. doi: 10.1063/1.4900655.
- The concept of chemical bonding can ultimately be seen as a rationalization of the recurring structural patterns observed in molecules and solids. Chemical intuition is nothing but the ability to recognize and predict such patterns, and how they transform into one another. Here, we discuss how to us
- PMID 25381505
- Modelling the influence of endothelial heterogeneity on the progression of arterial disease: application to abdominal aortic aneurysm evolution.
- Aparício P1, Mandaltsi A, Boamah J, Chen H, Selimovic A, Bratby M, Uberoi R, Ventikos Y, Watton PN.
- International journal for numerical methods in biomedical engineering.Int J Numer Method Biomed Eng.2014 May;30(5):563-86. doi: 10.1002/cnm.2620. Epub 2014 Jan 14.
- We sophisticate a fluid-solid growth computational framework for modelling aneurysm evolution. A realistic structural model of the arterial wall is integrated into a patient-specific geometry of the vasculature. This enables physiologically representative distributions of haemodynamic stimuli, obtai
- PMID 24424963
- Heterodimeric protein complex identification by naïve Bayes classifiers.
- Maruyama O1.
- BMC bioinformatics.BMC Bioinformatics.2013 Dec 3;14:347. doi: 10.1186/1471-2105-14-347.
- BACKGROUND: Protein complexes are basic cellular entities that carry out the functions of their components. It can be found that in databases of protein complexes of yeast like CYC2008, the major type of known protein complexes is heterodimeric complexes. Although a number of methods for trying to p
- PMID 24299017
- Cool microcontact printing to fabricate thermosensitive microgel patterns.
- Peng J1, Zhao D, Tang X, Tong F, Guan L, Wang Y, Zhang M, Cao T.
- Langmuir : the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids.Langmuir.2013 Sep 24;29(38):11809-14. doi: 10.1021/la402953s. Epub 2013 Sep 13.
- A facile method, cool microcontact printing (cool μCP), of fabricating microgel patterns under ambient conditions is developed. By using spontaneously condensed water on the surface of cold items and the phase transition of polymer microgels below the lower critical solution temperature (LCST), a c
- PMID 24032662
Japanese Journal
- 「経営教育学」体系モデルの一試論(<特集>日本の新しい成長産業とマネジメント革新)
- スマートフォンの普及に対応するデジタルカメラメーカーの戦略
- 無線アクセス網におけるユーザ効用に基づく分散型ユーザ帰属制御の性能評価(一般,無線マルチホップネットワーク特集セッション,モバイル,アドホック,ユビキタス,無線セキュリティ,マルチアクセス,アクセスネットワーク,UserNetworkInterface, Homeネットワーク,一般)
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- sophisticateとは。意味や和訳。[動] 〔sfistkegrave;it〕 (他)1 〈人を〉(教育・経験などによって)洗練させる.2 〈機械を〉複雑にする. [名]((形式))洗練された人. - goo辞書は国語、英和、和英、中国語、百科事典等からまとめて探せる ...
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- refine、refinement、smart、sophistication