- 関
- loose bowel、loose stool
- yielding readily to pressure or weight
- (of light) transmitted from a broad light source or reflected (同)diffuse, diffused
- out of condition; not strong or robust; incapable of exertion or endurance; "he was too soft for the army"; "flabby around the middle"; "flaccid cheeks" (同)flabby, flaccid
- not brilliant or glaring; "the moon cast soft shadows"; "soft pastel colors"; "subdued lighting" (同)subdued
- (of a commodity or market or currency) falling or likely to fall in value; "the market for computers is soft"
- (of sound) relatively low in volume; "soft voices"; "soft music"
- (of speech sounds); produced with the back of the tongue raised toward the hard palate; characterized by a hissing or hushing sound (as `s and `sh'
- compassionate and kind; conciliatory; "he was soft on his children"
- not protected against attack (especially by nuclear weapons); "soft targets"
- using evidence not readily amenable to experimental verification or refutation; "soft data"; "the soft sciences"
- willing to negotiate and compromise
- to a very great extent or degree; "the idea is so obvious"; "never been so happy"; "I love you so"; "my head aches so!"
- (usually followed by `that'
- in a manner that facilitates; "he observed the snakes so he could describe their behavior"; "he stooped down so he could pick up his hat"
- in such a condition or manner, especially as expressed or implied; "Theyre happy and I hope they will remain so"; "so live your life that old age will bring no regrets"
- in the same way; also; "I was offended and so was he"; "worked hard and so did she"
- to a certain unspecified extent or degree; "I can only go so far with this student"; "can do only so much in a day"
- react to a decoy, of wildfowl
- have a bowel movement; "The dog had made in the flower beds" (同)defecate, shit, take a shit, take a crap, ca-ca, crap, make
- grow shoots in the form of stools or tillers (同)tiller
- (forestry) the stump of a tree that has been felled or headed for the production of saplings
- a simple seat without a back or arms
- lure with a stool, as of wild fowl
- (押されて形を変えるほど)『柔らかい』 / (木材・金属などが,同種の中で比較的)『柔らかい』 / (斤ざわりの)なめらかな,すべすべした / (声・音が)穏やかな,低い,静かな / (見た目に)どぎつくない,落ち着いた / (天候・気候が)穏やかな,温和な / (心・言動が)優しい,もの柔らかな / (体または精神などが)軟弱な,虚弱な / (市況・相場が)弱気の,下がり気味の / (水が)軟性の / (水音が)軟音の / アルコール分を含まない / 柔らかに / 静かに
- 《様態の指示》『そういうふうに』,『そのように』・《補語に用いて》『そのようで』,そうで・《程度》『それほど』,そんなに・《強意として》《話》『非常に』,『とても』,たいへん・《前に述べたことの内容に対する同意を表して;「so+主語+[助]動詞」》『その通りで』,『本当に』,確かに,おっしゃるとおり・《肯定文を受けて;「so+[助]動詞+主語」の語順で》…『もまた』,『も同様に』・《as~, so…で》~と同じように…,(~のように)そのように・《目的を表して》…『するように』・《理由・結果を表して》『その結果』,それで・《文・節の頭に用いて》『それで』,だから・《驚き・賛成・嫌悪・疑いなどを表して》そうか,そうなんだ,どうかな,まさか・それでよし
- =sol
- (ひじ掛け・背のない)『腰掛け』,スツール / 足台,ひざつき台 / 大便
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English Journal
- Historical outbreak of Salmonella hadar.
- Deshpande A1, Curran ET2, Jamdar S3, Inkster T4, Jones BL4.
- The Journal of hospital infection.J Hosp Infect.2015 Oct;91(2):171-5. doi: 10.1016/j.jhin.2015.05.014. Epub 2015 Jun 24.
- BACKGROUND: This article reports a historical outbreak of Salmonella hadar in a maternity setting. The outbreak occurred following admission of an infected index case, with transmission to 11 other individuals over a three-month period in a maternity and neonatal unit.METHODS: Despite rigorous asses
- PMID 26184663
- Inter-individual variation in weaning among rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta): Serum stable isotope indicators of suckling duration and lactation.
- Reitsema LJ1, Partrick KA2, Muir AB3.
- American journal of primatology.Am J Primatol.2015 Aug 18. doi: 10.1002/ajp.22456. [Epub ahead of print]
- Weaning is a transition in early development with major implications for infant survival and well-being, and for maternal lifetime reproductive success. The particular strategy a primate mother adopts in rearing her offspring represents a negotiation between her ability to invest and her need to inv
- PMID 26284697
- Eradication of Blastocystis hominis prevents the development of symptomatic Hashimoto's thyroiditis: a case report.
- Rajič B1, Arapović J, Raguž K, Bošković M, Babić SM, Maslać S.
- Journal of infection in developing countries.J Infect Dev Ctries.2015 Jul 30;9(7):788-91. doi: 10.3855/jidc.4851.
- In this case report we describe a 49 year-old man who presented with chronic urticaria, angioedema and soft stool consistency. During diagnostic examinations Hashimoto's thyroiditis was found even though the patient never had clear symptoms of this disease. Blastocystis hominis was isolated through
- PMID 26230132
Japanese Journal
- 産後1カ月検診で発見されたS状結腸癌による腸重積の1例
- 外傷によりヘルニア嚢内大腸穿孔をきたした左鼠径ヘルニアの1例
Related Links
- ...When will you get it into your head that one can produce copious and exquisitely turned evacuations every day of the week and still be a stranger to reason?!" ... Welcome to the sensuous sounds of Soft Stool Indeed there are ...
- hi, i have had soft stool for 3 months now. i am sick to my stomach alot now my eye twitches, very bloated always tired and always hot and clammy. i went to the doc and they did a blood test and stool...
- 英
- loose stool、soft stool、loose bowel
- 関
- loose stool、soft stool
- 関
- loose bowel、soft stool
- Weight loss is common and may be so severe as to suggest a hiden malignant tumor.
- dysplasia may range from mild to so severe as to represent transformation to carcinoma.
- 関
- because、consequently、since、therefore、thus
- 関
- excrement、faecal、faeces、fecal、feces
- (比較級softer-最上級softest)柔らかい、ソフトな