- bruise, cut, or injure the skin or the surface of; "The boy skinned his knee when he fell" (同)scrape
- a persons skin regarded as their life; "he tried to save his skin"
- a bag serving as a container for liquids; it is made from the hide of an animal
- an outer surface (usually thin); "the skin of an airplane"
- a natural protective body covering and site of the sense of touch; "your skin is the largest organ of your body" (同)tegument, cutis
- strip the skin off; "pare apples" (同)peel, pare
- move along on skis; "We love to ski the Rockies"; "My children dont ski"
- narrow wood or metal or plastic runners used in pairs for gliding over snow
- abnormal redness of the skin resulting from dilation of blood vessels (as in sunburn or inflammation)
- a sport in which participants must travel on skis
- 〈U〉〈C〉(人・動物の)『皮膚』,肌 / 〈C〉〈U〉(動物からはいだ)『皮』,『毛皮』;皮製品,皮袋 / 〈C〉(果物・野菜の)皮 / 〈U〉〈C〉(液体の表面にできる)薄い膜,上皮 / 〈C〉(枠組み・表面などを覆う)外皮,外被,外板 / 〈動物・果物など〉‘の'皮をはぐ(むく) / 〈手・脚など〉‘を'擦りむく / 《話》(金などを)〈人〉‘から'巻き上げる《+『名』〈人〉+『of』+『名』》 / 〈傷口などが〉皮で覆われる《+『over』》
- 『スキー』 / 『スキーで滑走する』 / …‘を'スキーで滑る / スキーの,スキー用の
- 紅斑(こうはん)(炎症などにより皮膚が異常に赤くなること)
- (スポーツとしての)『スキー』;スキー術
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English Journal
- The Effect of the iBEAM Evo Carbon Fiber Tabletop on Skin Sparing.
- Simpson JB, Godwin GA.AbstractReplicating the attenuation properties of the treatment tabletop are of primary importance for accurate treatment planning; however, the effect of the tabletop on the skin-sparing properties of x-rays can be overlooked. Under some conditions, the reaction of skin to the radiation can be so serious as to be the dose-limiting organ for radiotherapy treatment. Hence, an understanding of the magnitude of the reduction in skin sparing is important. Because of the development of image-guided radiotherapy, modern tabletops have been developed without the use of metal supports that otherwise provided the necessary level of rigidity. Rigidity is instead provided by compressed foam within a carbon-fiber shell, which, although it provides artefact-free imaging and high levels of rigidity, has an adverse affect on the dose in the build-up region. Representative of this type is the iBEAM evo tabletop, whose effect on the skin dose was determined at 6-MV, 10-MV, and 18-MV x-rays. Skin dose was found to increase by 60-70% owing to the tabletop, with the effect increasing with field size and decreasing with energy. By considering an endpoint of erythema, a radiobiological advantage of selecting 10 MV over 6 MV for applicable treatments was demonstrated.
- Medical dosimetry : official journal of the American Association of Medical Dosimetrists.Med Dosim.2011 Autumn;36(3):330-3. Epub 2010 Oct 23.
- Replicating the attenuation properties of the treatment tabletop are of primary importance for accurate treatment planning; however, the effect of the tabletop on the skin-sparing properties of x-rays can be overlooked. Under some conditions, the reaction of skin to the radiation can be so serious a
- PMID 20970986
- Four Cases of Atopic Dermatitis Complicated by Sjogren's Syndrome: Link between Dry Skin and Autoimmune Anhidrosis.
- Kitaba S, Matsui S, Iimuro E, Nishioka M, Kijima A, Umegaki N, Murota H, Katayama I.SourceDepartment of Dermatology Integrated Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine Osaka University, Osaka, Japan.
- Allergology international : official journal of the Japanese Society of Allergology.Allergol Int.2011 Sep;60(3):387-91. Epub 2011 Feb 25.
- We report four adult cases of atopic dermatitis (AD) complicated by Sjogren's syndrome (SS). The patients fulfilled diagnostic criteria for AD and SS. All cases showed persistent itchy dry skin and eczematous lesions complicated by sicca symptoms including dry eyes and dry mouth with moderate joint
- PMID 21364310
Japanese Journal
- 肺癌の病勢と皮疹に相関がみられたErythema Gyratum Repensの1例 (特集 紅斑症)
- 症例 出生時から全身に皮疹を認めた新生児中毒性紅斑の1例
Related Links
- Erythema (from the Greek erythros, meaning red) is redness of the skin, caused by hyperemia of the capillaries in the lower layers of the skin. It occurs with any skin injury, infection, or inflammation. Examples of erythema not ...