sex assignment

sex determinationsex-determining


  1. tell the sex (of young chickens)
  2. the properties that distinguish organisms on the basis of their reproductive roles; "she didnt want to know the sex of the foetus" (同)gender, sexuality
  3. all of the feelings resulting from the urge to gratify sexual impulses; "he wanted a better sex life"; "the film contained no sex or violence" (同)sexual urge
  4. either of the two categories (male or female) into which most organisms are divided; "the war between the sexes"
  5. the act of distributing something to designated places or persons; "the first task is the assignment of an address to each datum" (同)assigning
  6. a duty that you are assigned to perform (especially in the armed forces); "hazardous duty" (同)duty assignment
  7. an undertaking that you have been assigned to do (as by an instructor)
  8. the instrument by which a claim or right or interest or property is transferred from one person to another
  9. having sexual differentiation
  10. characterized by sexuality; "highly sexed"


  1. 〈U〉〈C〉『性』,性別 / 《the~》《形容詞を伴い集合的に》『男性』,『女性』 / 〈U〉(男女(雌雄)間の)相違[の意識] / 〈U〉性に関する事柄(情報) / 〈U〉性交 / 〈ひよこなど〉‘の'性別を見分ける
  2. 〈C〉割り当てられた仕事(持ち場,任務);《米》(学校の)宿題 / 〈U〉(仕事などに)任命する(される)こと,(日時などを)指定すること《+『to』+『名』》

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English Journal

  • Populations of a cyprinid fish are self-sustaining despite widespread feminization of males.
  • Hamilton PB, Nicol E, De-Bastos ES, Williams RJ, Sumpter JP, Jobling S, Stevens JR, Tyler CR.AbstractBACKGROUND: Treated effluents from wastewater treatment works can comprise a large proportion of the flow of rivers in the developed world. Exposure to these effluents, or the steroidal estrogens they contain, feminizes wild male fish and can reduce their reproductive fitness. Long-term experimental exposures have resulted in skewed sex ratios, reproductive failures in breeding colonies, and population collapse. This suggests that environmental estrogens could threaten the sustainability of wild fish populations.
  • BMC biology.BMC Biol.2014 Jan 13;12(1):1. [Epub ahead of print]
  • BACKGROUND: Treated effluents from wastewater treatment works can comprise a large proportion of the flow of rivers in the developed world. Exposure to these effluents, or the steroidal estrogens they contain, feminizes wild male fish and can reduce their reproductive fitness. Long-term experimental
  • PMID 24417977
  • Maternal mosaicism is a significant contributor to discordant sex chromosomal aneuploidies associated with noninvasive prenatal testing.
  • Wang Y, Chen Y, Tian F, Zhang J, Song Z, Wu Y, Han X, Hu W, Ma D, Cram D, Cheng W.Author information Key Laboratory of Molecular Medicine, Ministry of Education, Shanghai Medical College, Fudan University, Shanghai, China;AbstractBACKGROUND: In the human fetus, sex chromosome aneuploidies (SCAs) are as prevalent as the common autosomal trisomies 21, 18, and 13. Currently, most noninvasive prenatal tests (NIPTs) offer screening only for chromosomes 21, 18, and 13, because the sensitivity and specificity are markedly higher than for the sex chromosomes. Limited studies suggest that the reduced accuracy associated with detecting SCAs is due to confined placental, placental, or true fetal mosaicism. We hypothesized that an altered maternal karyotype may also be an important contributor to discordant SCA NIPT results.
  • Clinical chemistry.Clin Chem.2014 Jan;60(1):251-9. doi: 10.1373/clinchem.2013.215145. Epub 2013 Nov 5.
  • BACKGROUND: In the human fetus, sex chromosome aneuploidies (SCAs) are as prevalent as the common autosomal trisomies 21, 18, and 13. Currently, most noninvasive prenatal tests (NIPTs) offer screening only for chromosomes 21, 18, and 13, because the sensitivity and specificity are markedly higher th
  • PMID 24193117
  • Sex assessment using clavicle measurements: Inter- and intra-population comparisons.
  • Králík M1, Urbanová P2, Wagenknechtová M3.Author information 1Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Kotlářská 2, 61137 Brno, Czech Republic. Electronic address: of Anthropology, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Kotlářská 2, 61137 Brno, Czech Republic. Electronic address: of Anthropology, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Kotlářská 2, 61137 Brno, Czech Republic. Electronic address: studied sexual dimorphism of the human clavicle in order to describe size variation and create population-specific discriminant tools for morphometric sex assessment. The studied sample consisted of 200 skeletons of adult individuals obtained from the University of Athens Human Skeletal Reference Collection, Athens, Greece. The specimens were well-documented and represented a modern population from cemeteries in the Athens area. Six dimensions typically used for clavicle measurements were recorded. For sexing clavicles, we used both traditional univariate (limiting, demarking and sectioning points) and multivariate discriminant function analysis. The accuracy of the best five classification equations/functions ranged from 91.62% to 92.55% of correctly assigned specimens. By testing new and previously published sexing functions (Greeks, Polynesians, Guatemalans) on four available population samples (English, Indians from Amritsar, Indians from Varanasi, and data from the present study) we found that, for some combinations of tested and reference samples, the accuracy of the sex assessment may decrease even below the probability given by random sex assignment. Therefore, measurements of the clavicle should not be used for sex assessment of individual cases (both forensic and archeological) whose population origin is unknown. However, significant metric differences were also recorded among three different Greek samples (i.e. within a population). As a consequence, application of a sexing method generated from one Greek sample and applied to another Greek sample led to negligible reduction in the success of sex assessment, despite general similarities in ethnic origin (Greeks), generation structure and presumed social background of the samples. Therefore, we believe that future studies should focus on understanding the nature of the differences among within-population reference samples.
  • Forensic science international.Forensic Sci Int.2014 Jan;234:181.e1-181.e15. doi: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2013.08.029. Epub 2013 Sep 8.
  • We studied sexual dimorphism of the human clavicle in order to describe size variation and create population-specific discriminant tools for morphometric sex assessment. The studied sample consisted of 200 skeletons of adult individuals obtained from the University of Athens Human Skeletal Reference
  • PMID 24075622

Japanese Journal

  • 人関係の言葉からみえてくるサオ族の社会
  • 新居田 純野
  • 長崎外大論叢 (15), 57-68, 2011-12-30
  • … Although there is a work assignment by gender, there is no sex discrimination. …
  • NAID 110008894923
  • 泌尿器科専門医が知っておくべき代表的な性分化疾患 (特集 専門医のための性分化疾患講座)
  • 松本 富美,小林 憲市,鬼武 美幸
  • 臨床泌尿器科 65(12), 905-908, 2011-11
  • NAID 40019039069
  • 性分化疾患の分類と社会的性の決定について (特集 専門医のための性分化疾患講座)
  • 緒方 勤,位田 忍,堀川 玲子
  • 臨床泌尿器科 65(12), 897-902, 2011-11
  • NAID 40019039068

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リンク元性決定」「sex-determining」「sex determination



sex determinationsex assignmentsex-determining



  • 性決定の
sex assignmentsex determination

sex determination」


sex assignmentsex-determining



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