- 同
- 感覚解離
- a state in which some integrated part of a persons life becomes separated from the rest of the personality and functions independently (同)disassociation
- (chemistry) the temporary or reversible process in which a molecule or ion is broken down into smaller molecules or ions
- the act of removing from association
- involving or derived from the senses; "sensory experience"; "sensory channels" (同)sensorial
- 分離[作用];解離
- 感覚の
- (光・温度・放射能などの)感知器
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English Journal
- Long-term application of cannabinoids leads to dissociation between changes in cAMP and modulation of GABA receptors of mouse trigeminal sensory neurons.
- Celotto L, Eroli F, Nistri A, Vilotti S.
- Neurochemistry international. 2019 Jun;126()74-85.
- Antinociception caused by cannabinoids may have a partial peripheral origin in addition to its central site of action. In fact, we have observed that anandamide selectively and reversibly inhibits GABA receptors of putative nociceptive neurons of mouse trigeminal sensory ganglia via CB1 receptor act
- PMID 30633953
- Difficulty differentiating a case of posterior cortical atrophy from a psychogenic disturbance of vision.
- , K K, E E, E E, h h, .
- Psychogeriatrics : the official journal of the Japanese Psychogeriatric Society. 2019 Apr;().
- Differentiating posterior cortical atrophy (PCA) from other diseases can be difficult and time-consuming, and there is a particularly high possibility of misdiagnosis when psychiatrists diagnose complaints related to visual perception. Here, a case of PCA involving prominent visual perceptual disord
- PMID 30997705
- A 'choice', an 'addiction', a way 'out of the lost': exploring self-injury in autistic people without intellectual disability.
- Moseley RL, Gregory NJ, Smith P, Allison C, Baron-Cohen S.
- Molecular autism. 2019 ;10()18.
- Non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) describes a phenomenon where individuals inflict deliberate pain and tissue damage to their bodies. Self-injurious behaviour is especially prevalent across the autism spectrum, but little is understood about the features and functions of self-injury for autistic indi
- PMID 31007885
Japanese Journal
- 誤差フィードバックのタイミングが視覚運動変換の適応に与える影響 : 仮想投てき課題を用いた運動終了と課題終了の分離
- 石川 拓海,阪口 豊
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. NC, ニューロコンピューティング 109(461), 231-236, 2010-03-02
- 到達運動のプリズム適応において,終点位置の視覚フィードバックが運動終了時刻より50ミリ秒以上遅れると残効量が有意に減少することが報告されている(Kitazawa ct al. 1995).この現象は,プリズム適応のゲインが運動終了後の一定の「時間窓」において高いことを示している.本研究では,脳が何を手がかりにしてこの時間窓を定めているのかを明らかにすることを目的に,仮想投てき運動課題を題材とした行 …
- NAID 110008004305
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- ABSTRACTPatients with chronic low back pain often report that they do not perceive their painful back accurately. Previous studies confirmed that sensory dissociation and/or discrepancy between perceived body image ...
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- 英
- sensory dissociation
- 関
- 解離性感覚障害
- 関
- detachment、dissection、dissociate、dissociative disorder、dissociative reaction、fugue、maceration、unbinding
- 関
- sensation、sense、sensing