- having reached a base without being put out; "the runner was called safe when the baseman dropped the ball"
- a ventilated or refrigerated cupboard for securing provisions from pests
- strongbox where valuables can be safely kept
- (of an undertaking) secure from risk
- free from danger or the risk of harm; "a safe trip"; "you will be safe here"; "a safe place"; "a safe bet"
- the boundary line or the area immediately inside the boundary (同)border, perimeter
- the amount of collateral a customer deposits with a broker when borrowing from the broker to buy securities (同)security deposit
- an amount beyond the minimum necessary; "the margin of victory"
- the blank space that surrounds the text on a page; "he jotted a note in the margin"
- the state of being certain that adverse effects will not be caused by some agent under defined conditions; "insure the safety of the children"; "the reciprocal of safety is risk"
- a score in American football; a player is tackled behind his own goal line
- a safe place; "He ran to safety" (同)refuge
- 安全な,危険のない / 《come,arrive,bring,keepなどの補語にのみ用いて》無事な(に) / 危険を引き起こさない,危害を加えない / 安全を心がける,危険をおかさない / 『確かな』,まちがいのない / (野球で)セーフの / 『金庫』 / (食料などを入れる)安全戸棚,貯蔵容器
- 『へり』,『縁』,端(edge) / (ページの)『余白』,欄外 / (可能の)限界,限度 / (空間・時間・経費・活動などの)余裕,余地 / 利ざや,マージン,販売利益
- 〈U〉(…からの)『安全』,無事《+『from』(『against』)+『名』》 / (また『safety catch』)〈U〉(銃などの)安全装置 / 〈C〉(アメリカンフットボールで)セーフティー(クォータバックなどのボールを持っている選手が自軍のエンド・ゾーン内にタックルされること。2得点。)
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全文を閲覧するには購読必要です。 To read the full text you will need to subscribe.
- 1. 手術室における患者の安全性 patient safety in the operating room
- 2. 植込み型除細動器の一般原則 general principles of the implantable cardioverter defibrillator
- 3. 障害児における安全性の向上 promoting safety in children with disabilities
- 4. 有機食品と小児 organic foods and children
- 5. 成人における市中肺炎:リスクの層別化と入院の決定 community acquired pneumonia in adults risk stratification and the decision to admit
English Journal
- Development of a 4-NQO toxic equivalency factor (TEF) approach to enable a preliminary risk assessment of unknown genotoxic compounds detected by the Ames II test in UV/H2O2 water treatment samples.
- Martijn BJ1, Van Rompay AR2, Penders EJ3, Alharbi Y4, Baggelaar PK5, Kruithof JC6, Rietjens IM4.
- Chemosphere.Chemosphere.2016 Feb;144:338-45. doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2015.08.070. Epub 2015 Sep 14.
- An approach to enable a preliminary risk assessment of unknown genotoxic compounds formed by MP UV/H2O2 treatment of nitrate rich water, is described. Since the identity and concentration of specific genotoxic compounds is not established yet, a compound specific risk assessment cannot be performed.
- PMID 26378870
- No impact of DvSnf7 RNA on honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) adults and larvae in dietary feeding tests.
- Tan J1, Levine SL1, Bachman PM1, Jensen PD1, Mueller GM1, Uffman JP1, Meng C1, Song Z1, Richards KB2, Beevers MH2.
- Environmental toxicology and chemistry / SETAC.Environ Toxicol Chem.2016 Feb;35(2):287-94. doi: 10.1002/etc.3075. Epub 2015 Nov 9.
- The honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) is the most important managed pollinator species worldwide and plays a critical role in the pollination of a diverse range of economically important crops. This species is important to agriculture and historically has been used as a surrogate species for pollinators
- PMID 26011006
- A Novel Allosteric Insulin Receptor-Activating Antibody Reduces Hyperglycemia without Hypoglycemia in Diabetic Cynomolgus Monkeys.
- Bezwada P1, Zhao J2, Der K2, Shimizu B2, Cao L2, Ahene A2, Rubin P2, Johnson K2.
- The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics.J Pharmacol Exp Ther.2016 Feb;356(2):467-74. doi: 10.1124/jpet.115.229690. Epub 2015 Nov 17.
- XMetA is a fully human, allosteric monoclonal antibody that binds the insulin receptor with high affinity and mimics the glucoregulatory, but not the mitogenic, actions of insulin. Here we evaluated the efficacy of both single and repeat s.c. administrations of XMetA in reducing hyperglycemia in obe
- PMID 26578267
Japanese Journal
- 症例報告 術前SOX+Bevacizumab療法が奏効し切除可能となった局所進行大腸癌の1例
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- 英
- safety margin
- 同
- 安全係数 safety index
- 関
- safety margin
- 関
- additional、brim、edge、extent、extra、limit、limitation、marginally、rim、room
- 関
- safely、safety、secure、security