- in or relating to the retina of the eye; "retinal cells"
- the innermost light-sensitive membrane covering the back wall of the eyeball; it is continuous with the optic nerve
- abnormal development (of organs or cells) or an abnormal structure resulting from such growth
- (目の)網膜
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2017/11/13 15:00:44」(JST)
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Retinal dysplasia is an eye disease affecting the retina of animals and, less commonly, humans. It is usually a nonprogressive disease and can be caused by viral infections, drugs, vitamin A deficiency, or genetic defects. Retinal dysplasia is characterized by folds or rosettes (round clumps) of the retinal tissue.
- 1 Retinal dysplasia in dogs
- 1.1 Commonly affected breeds
- 2 Retinal dysplasia in other animals
- 3 See also
- 4 References
Retinal dysplasia in dogs
Most cases of retinal dysplasia in dogs are hereditary. It can involve one or both retinas. Retinal dysplasia can be focal, multifocal, geographic, or accompanied by retinal detachment. Focal and multifocal retinal dysplasia appears as streaks and dots in the central retina. Geographic retinal dysplasia appears as an irregular or horseshoe-shaped area of mixed hyper or hyporeflectivity in the central retina. Retinal detachment occurs with complete retinal dysplasia, and is accompanied by blindness in that eye. Cataracts or glaucoma can also occur secondary to retinal dysplasia. Other causes of retinal dysplasia in dogs include infection with canine adenovirus or canine herpesvirus, or radiation of the eye in newborns.
Commonly affected breeds
- Bedlington Terrier - complete retinal dysplasia.
- Sealyham Terrier - complete retinal dysplasia.
- Rottweiler - focal or multifocal.
- English Springer Spaniel - focal, multifocal, or geographic.
- American Cocker Spaniel - focal or multifocal.
- Beagle - focal or multifocal.
- Cavalier King Charles Spaniel - retinal folds, geographic, or retinal detachment.
- Labrador Retriever - focal, multifocal, geographic, or complete retinal dysplasia. It can also be seen in combination with a congenital skeletal disorder.
- Australian Shepherd - retinal dysplasia occurs with other eye disorders, such as an oval pupil, microcornea (small cornea), cataracts, and retinal detachment.[1]
Retinal dysplasia in other animals
- Cats - Retinal dysplasia occurs in utero or in newborns infected with feline leukemia virus or feline panleukopenia, which cause necrosis and disorganization of the retina. It appears as folds and rosettes.
- Cattle - Retinal dysplasia occurs in utero through infection with bovine viral diarrhea. It is also inherited in Shorthorns and Herefords. Both forms often cause retinal detachment.
- Sheep - Retinal dysplasia occurs by in utero infection with bluetongue disease.
- Horses - Retinal dysplasia is bilateral, not inherited, and appears as multifocal or geographic disease. It is usually accompanied by other eye problems.
- Chickens[1]
See also
- Progressive retinal atrophy
- ^ a b Gelatt, Kirk N. (ed.) (1999). Veterinary Ophthalmology (3rd ed. ed.). Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins. ISBN 0-683-30076-8.
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English Journal
- Photoreceptor proliferation and dysregulation of cell cycle genes in early onset inherited retinal degenerations.
- Gardiner KL1, Downs L1, Berta-Antalics AI1,2, Santana E1, Aguirre GD1, Genini S3.
- BMC genomics.BMC Genomics.2016 Mar 11;17(1):221. doi: 10.1186/s12864-016-2477-9.
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- Journal of child neurology.J Child Neurol.2016 Mar;31(4):451-60. doi: 10.1177/0883073815599258. Epub 2015 Sep 8.
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- AAV-mediated Gene Therapy Halts Retinal Degeneration in PDE6β-deficient Dogs.
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- Molecular therapy : the journal of the American Society of Gene Therapy.Mol Ther.2016 Feb 9. doi: 10.1038/mt.2016.37. [Epub ahead of print]
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Japanese Journal
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- 神経眼科 33(4), 379-384, 2016
- … 稀な黄斑低形成および黄斑部網膜皺襞を伴う中隔視神経異常症(septo-optic dysplasia(SOD))の症例を経験したので報告する.<br>症例は9才の女児.新生児期に低血糖発作を繰り返し,2歳時に成長ホルモン分泌不全と診断された.同時に内斜視と両側視神経萎縮を指摘され,精査のため当科を紹介受診した.初診時,右眼光覚弁(+),左眼視力(0.9).眼底検査で両側視神経低形成,網膜血管の蛇行および光干渉断層 …
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- There is no treatment for retinal dysplasia. With their acute senses of smell and hearing, dogs can compensate very well for visual difficulties, particularly in familiar surroundings. In fact owners may be unaware of the extent of vision ...
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